
  • Serves 12
  • Makes 12
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients


Quick and easy finger food to prepare and make.

Ingredients (serves 12 | makes 12 pieces)

  • 12 asparagus
  • 6 slices proscuitto
  • 6 tsp capers with juice
  • 4 tblsp olive oil


  1. Steam asparagus and cut off the hard ends.
  2. Marinate thinly sliced proscuitto in lemon juice, olive oil and capers for an hour. Cut proscuitto in half for wrapping.
  3. Wrap asparagus with proscuitto and serve in a glass or lay flat on a glass plate.
  4. Serve in a glass or lay flat on a glass plate.


The longer you leave to marinate the better it will taste.

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