
  • Serves 1
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


Avocado Pasta is amazing at the best of times.  Add a little basil and zesty lemon and you’re on a winner!

If you’re after a quick and very simple creamy pasta, you will love this Avocado Pasta.  It’s also fresh and healthy which is a massive bonus.

Big love to MoM Member Monique for sharing her Avocado Pasta recipe – we know it’s going to be a winner with everyone who gives it a try.

Did you know avocados first arrived in Australia in 1840 in seed form? They were planted in the Royal Botanical Gardens in Sydney. Imports of seeds and plants continued over the next 110 years. By the late 1960’s a developing Australian industry began to take shape so imports were no longer needed.

There are two main types of avocados grown in Australia.  The Hass Avocado and the Shepherd Avocado.

The Hass is known for it’s green through to dark purple rough skin and creamy texture.  The Shepherd Avocado is loved for it’s fine, bright green skin. We love that the flesh doesn’t go brown once cut.  The Shepherd avocado has a buttery, nutty taste and texture.

Either type of avocado would work beautifully in this Avocado Pasta recipe.

If you’re a big Avocado fan, you should love this Avocado Pasta recipe!

Here’s a few more recipes you might also like to try:

Thanks for checking out this recipe from MoM Cook Club.  Everyday we have delicious recipes shared with us by MoM Members – real Mums cooking for their families!  So you know this recipe has been family tested and loved!


Ingredients (serves 1)

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1/2 freshly squeezed lemon
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp semi dried basil leaves (feel free to use fresh if on hand)
  • 1 clove minced garlic
  • 1 cup rice pasta (or any pasta of your choice)


  1. Boil a pot of water and cook pasta per directions.
  2. For the sauce; Add in your avocado, olive oil, garlic, basil, lemon juice & salt and pepper to taste into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy!
  3. Serve your pasta into a bowl then pour your sauce over top and stir through.


Add more olive oil or lemon juice to make the sauce your preferred consistency!

  • A fun dinner with a bit of colour


  • This is just a perfect autumn or spring pasta — when it’s too hot for the comfort food of spag bol, etc. I’m going to try this one this week.


  • Yum ! How many grams of pasta is 1 cup ?


  • Oh what a good way to hide some cheeky vegetables!


  • Pasta with simple ingredients is always the best. Yummy.


  • Thank you for considering those omnivores of us that like taste ant texture god bless you xx


  • look at all that green…..healthy dinner right there


  • Looks AMAZING. Super healthy option for dinner


  • I use this recipe so often – works wonderfully and is so good to eat. Thanks for sharing this recipe


  • Great idea my daughter would love this so its a win all round, thanks


  • I’d love to cook this minus the lemon. Hopefully it tastes just as good


  • This looks interesting!


  • I love avocado but I’ve never tried it in a pasta before.. definitely interested to see what this is like.


  • Nice and refreshing


  • Fantastic recipe and one I will be making often. Thanks so much for sharing.


  • Interesting combination


  • Yum this sounds delicious


  • This is so simple with only a few basic ingredients needed. Most of them are already in the cupboard.


  • Oh wow, this sounds very unique and delicious


  • This is a great idea


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