
  • Serves 35
  • Makes 35
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 10 Ingredients

For moments that will melt on the tongue, but last forever in your memory. These passionfruit delicacies are designed to delight!

These are PERFECT for a Baby Shower! Give it a try and surprise your guests with a dessert experience they’ll never forget!

Ingredients (serves 35 | makes 35 sandwiched petite biscuits)

  • 2 cups (300g) plain flour
  • 1/2 cup cornflour or custard powder
  • 250g unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 1 cup pure icing sugar, sifted
  • little extra plain flour for dusting hands
  • 125g unsalted butter, softened (butter cream)
  • ¾ cup pure icing sugar, sifted (butter cream)
  • 3 tsp finely grated lemon rind (butter cream)
  • pulp 1 passionfruit (butter cream)


  1. Line two oven trays with large sheets of baking paper. Pre heat the oven to 160°C. (140°C fan forced).
  2. Sift the flour and cornflour together in a bowl and set aside.
  3. Beat the butter, vanilla and ¼ of the icing sugar with an electric mixer on medium speed until just blended. Add the remaining icing sugar and beat on high speed for about 3 minutes until lovely and fluffy. You’ll need to wipe the bowl down with a spatula once or twice during the mixing.
  4. Add in the flour mixture that was set aside and mix on the lowest speed until just blended together. If you prefer, you can fold the flour mixture in with a large metal spoon. Keep the mixture airy and soft. The secret to a delicious texture is all in the softness of the mixture!
  5. Refrigerate the mixture (you can keep it in the electric mixing bowl and lightly cover with a piece of plastic wrap) for about 15 minutes or until it firms enough to roll.
  6. Using floured fingertips, to prevent sticky fingers), roll small amounts (5g only! If you want perfect petite biscuits) into small balls and place on the lined baking trays. Don’t press down, leave in a little ball and remember to allow for some spreading.
  7. Bake 8-10 minutes, until the biscuits are just firm and lightly golden. Stand 5 minutes before carefully moving each biscuit to a cooling rack to cool completely.
  8. When cool sandwich together with a little puff of the delicious passionfruit butter cream.
  9. To make the butter cream: Beat the butter, icing sugar, lemon rind and passionfruit pulp in the bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed for 3 minutes until light and fluffy, scraping down the sides of the bowl during the mixing.


For more Baby Shower inspiration head to www.babylove.com.au/babyshower, which includes everything new mothers or friends of expectant mothers need to throw a fun baby shower. The hub includes content related to party theme ideas, food and drink recipes, decoration tips, digital invitation templates and fun games

  • Yum, these look so delicious. My kids would enjoy them too!


  • Ooo that is actually yummy. Thank you for sharing


  • Now I’m hungry for these


  • Wow these look so yum. I love passion fruit in baking.


  • Two of my favourite things- passionfruit and melting moments!


  • These look amazing. I just can’t deal with the passionfruit pulp!


  • These look scrumptious, oh no, I’m drooling on my phone lol


  • They look lovely except for the passionfruit pulp/pip. I just can’t deal!


  • These paasionfruit melting moments look delicious ????


  • Sound so tasty and naughty. will make these on my day off.


  • Tempted to try but my baking can be a bit hit and miss. These look so yummy!


  • They look divine and so moorish.


  • Yuuum! Melting moments are the best!!


  • Too good to eat but irresistible too so I think very yummy looking.


  • Certainly looks like it will be a melting moment in my tongue. Just looking at them makes my mouth water. Looks absolutely yummy ????


  • Love using these delicate fruits – hope you get to out house to have some. Cheers,


  • These look so adorable. Passionfruit is so underrated :)


  • This is way too delicious, I could devour them all haha. I’ve got a sweet tooth.


  • I love melting moments and I like passion fruit in baking.


  • I Love melting moments! Especially passionfruit!


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