
  • Serves 2
  • 5 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients


Banana Sushi is the most perfect lunchbox, snack or toddler meal solution if you’re in a hurry.

When there’s no time for loads of ingredients, toasting, cooking, cutting or fussing, try this Banana Sushi! Such an easy healthy finger food that most kids can make themselves.

If the kids don’t like peanut butter, you can easily switch out for butter and a little honey or golden syrup and your Banana Sushi will be just as good.

We love how perfect this little snack is for so many occasions (even a quick breaky as you run out the door)!

Big love to MoM Member Sally for this recipe x

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 2 Soft taco flour tortillas
  • 2 Bananas
  • 4 tbsp Peanut butter
  • Cinnamon to taste


  1. Microwave tortillas on paper towel for 10 seconds to soften.
  2. Spread each tortilla with 2 tablespoons peanut butter.
  3. Sprinkle with cinnamon, and roll the tortillas tightly around the banana. Slice into half inch pieces like sushi.

If you're always on the lookout for simple snacks like this Banana Sushi, check out MoM CookClub Baby & Toddler Recipes or MoM CookClub School Lunchboxes.
  • I initially thought the picture was sliced banana with the skin on haha. Very interesting recipe.


  • Made these for our kids but neither enjoyed them. I on the other hand did ????


  • This is my sort of sushi ;)


  • Love finding healthy recipes. Great for lunch boxes. Thank you.


  • Such a good idea! I would melt some chocolate and dip half of it in there just to seal the wrap bread and keep the banana in place.


  • Ive never been able to handle the texture of bananas :(


  • My 15yr old son still isn’t bored with this snack after many many years


  • would love this for the school lunch box however it’s a nut free school, any suggestions?


  • What a fantastic idea – so easy.


  • So simple yet so smart


  • What a perfect little snack and so easy to make


  • I’ve seen this idea before but am yet to try. I love the simplicity of this and how it adds substance to a snack to keep them fuller for longer.


  • This is a good easy and healthy idea for little fingers. Yum. The kids would love these.


  • That’s very imaginative, looks great


  • This looks yummy. I think my kids would love it


  • What a cute idea


  • I think my toddler would love this.
    Even better that it’s in nice bite sized pieces!
    Thank you for sharing


  • Fantastic recipes re bananas as I am always looking for ideas rather than my banana smoothies or muffins. Banana sushi will be perfect for breakfast or on the run snack.


  • A great healthy idea for the young ones!


  • Such a clever and simple idea! My bub loves peanut butter


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