
  • Serves 16
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


If you love cherries and white chocolate this quick easy recipe is for you!

Ingredients (serves 16)

  • 250g Packet milk arrowroot biscuits, finely crushed
  • 1 1/2 Cups dessicated coconut
  • 200g Red glace cherries, halved
  • 125g Butter
  • 1 Can condensed milk
  • 1 1/2 cups White chocolate melts


  1. Lightly grease and line a medium slice pan with baking paper
  2. Combine crushed biscuits, coconut and cherries into a large bowl
  3. Stir condensed milk and butter in medium saucepan over low heat, until butter melts
  4. Pour over biscuit mixture and combine well. Press firmly into pan then refrigerate until set
  5. Spread melted chocolate over the slice then cool until firm. Cut into squares to serve

  • This does look quick and easy to make.


  • Yum, I’ve saved this recipe so that i can make it later.


  • I wouldn’t eat this but I know many others who would love it. I’ll be passing this recipe on to them.


  • Not my kind of slice. I imagine it would be very sweet and I just can’t stomach glace cherries.


  • This recipe looks good. I love anything with chocolate in it.


  • Thanks for the recipe – it will go down a treat in my house instead of lollies after their day out and I would be using blueberries instead of glace cherries, and perhaps even try cranberries for a change.


  • cool, i can swap out the normal condensed milk for the coconut milk version.


  • Wow, this looks nice and indulgent!
    Don’t think I’ve ever had anything like this before so it’s definitely an interesting alternative to all of the other slices you see around.
    Thank you for sharing.

    • Yes I agree. This would be great as part of a high tea.


  • Not a lover of glace cherries or any cherries for that matter…


  • This looks like ‘White Christmas’ – yum!


  • Yum. Can’t wait to make this


  • These look so yummy and also a bit Christmassy. I might add Green glace cherries as well and make them for christmas in July!


  • Ooh that sounds scrumptious!


  • This Cherry And White Chocolate Slice looks so delicious. This is one recipe I am going to try.


  • Blueberries! Looks delicious, thank you.


  • Trying this one with raspberries instead of cherries. I grow my own raspberries and have lots on hand


  • This looks light, decadent and delicious!


  • A delicious Christmas treat for the whole family.


  • White Chocolate recipes are most welcome sweet treat recipes at Christmas time – thanks!


  • Thanks for sharing. I would make them with fresh cherries, sugar free chocolate melts, use coconut cream instead of condensed milk and coconut butter instead of butter. You could make the bottom with oats and dates

    • Thanks for the alternative ingredient options,great for people with allergies or vegans.


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