
  • Serves 10
  • Makes 1
  • 40 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 17 Ingredients


Try this creamy chocolatey mousse trifle. It’s a heavenly scrumptious delight.

Ingredients (serves 10 | makes 1 1 dish)

  • 250 grams Dark chocolate
  • 100ml and 400ml Whipping cream, each amount separate in a bowl
  • 2 Tbsp cocoa powder
  • Velvet cake Ingredients
  • 2 1/2 cups Sifted all purpose flour
  • 2 Tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp baking powder
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1Tbsp vinegar (to make buttermilk)
  • 1 1/2 tsp red gel colour
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1-2 packets chocolate biscuits, crushed
  • Biscuits 1-2 packets


  1. To make the Chocolate mousse: melt 250g dark chocolate in double boiler or microwave on low. Mix 100ml whipping cream into the bowl while your chocolate is melting. In another bowl beat 400ml whipping cream until soft peaks form. Then add melted chocolate/cream mixture and beat again. Add 2 Tbsp of cocoa powder and beat until you get a creamy texture. If your mixture is too stiff add half cup milk.
  2. To make Red velvet cake: Sift 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour + 2Tbsp cocoa powder + half tsp salt + 1Tbsp baking powder. Sift this dry mixture 3 times. To make the buttermilk, put 1 cup milk into a mug or bowl and add 1Tbsp white vinegar. Mix and leave it to rest a few minutes. Add 1.5 tsp of red gel colour to the buttermilk.
  3. In a bowl add half cup unsalted butter + 1.5 cup sugar. Mix and add 2 eggs while beating. Add a few drops of vanilla essence. Then slowly add dry mixture and buttermilk while beating. Grease the pan and bake your mix at 180C for 35-40min.
  4. To assemble: Make first layer with red velvet crumbled cake. Followed by white whipped cream with vanilla essence. Then make a layer of crushed chocolate biscuits. Then make a thick layer of chocolate mousse. Repeat these layers. Decorate with dark chocolate shavings, whipped cream and cocoa powder dust. Refrigerate for an hour and enjoy............


This was the main dessert when my husband came first time to meet my family. It hold so much importance and everyone loved it so much. Make it on special occasions, parties or on weekends and it will make everyone feel so special and you will hear lots of compliments. Decorate with rose petals and candles to give special touch. Get creative by making it in fancy jars or beautiful platter and it will rock your dinning table.

  • Yes Please! This looks so delicious!


  • Oh my gosh, this reminds me of a dessert my mum used to buy me as a child which I really miss!
    Thank you for sharing, I’m excited to try this one.


  • Very different and very cool!


  • I’m gonna get into my kitchen now and make this for dessert tonight, thankyou for sharing.


  • Who cares about the main meal. Give me the dessert. It looks delicious and I bet it tastes even better.


  • Yum this looks delish!


  • Oh my goodness! Your dessert looks so scrumptious! Love the decorations too!

    • Gorgeous photo of the dessert; excellent presentation!


  • Yes please! I love all of the above!


  • Thanx for sharing your recipe


  • That looks so awesome, dinner party ready!


  • My mouth is just watering at this. I loooooove chocolate and this looks amazing.


  • Looks delicious


  • Last time I had Red Velvet cake was at a dear friends wedding. This recipe looks and sounds divine and will bring back those special memories. Thanks for sharing.


  • Omg this is making me hungry! Looks divine


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