
  • Serves 8
  • Makes 8
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 10 Ingredients
July 1, 2021


These divine little Chocolate Puddings with Raspberries are silky, rich and just so simple.

So whether you have family and friends arriving for a 3 course dinner or you’re after a sweet treat mid week, this recipe will see you through every single time.

Why do we love these Chocolate Puddings?

  1. This recipe makes a beautiful base chocolate pudding – the ingredients you add is then up to you. We’ve used raspberries in these chocolate puddings but you could just as easily add blueberries, mixed berries or even some chopped walnuts or macadamias.
  2. This recipe comes together in a flash – literally 5 minutes to make the batter and 10 to 15 minutes in the oven.
  3. If you’re in a really big rush, these little chocolate puddings will also cook very happily in the microwave.  If you’re using a half cup ramekin, you’ll only need 40-50 seconds on high.
  4. The Bertolli Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Fruity Taste works beautifully in this recipe – adding a fruity flavour and a silky finish.

What should you serve with these chocolate puddings?

Oooh where do we start?! Anything creamy and silky will work perfectly.  Our pick is Vanilla Bean Ice Cream.  If you’re after something a little less sweet, go for a dollop of marscapone or a drizzle of pouring cream.  Or go mad and add ice cream and cream!

We hope you enjoy this Chocolate Pudding with Raspberries recipe.  In developing this recipe, we discovered that with Bertolli, the recipe is simple!

What do you think of this Chocolate Pudding recipe?  Do you think it’s going to the top of your Simple Recipes list?

Let us know in the comments below …

Winter Salad with Garlic Aioli_Bertolli Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil_Product ShotWe developed this Chocolate Pudding with Raspberries recipe using Bertolli Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and couldn’t be more excited about the flavour this oil brings to the recipe.

Bertolli is the world’s no. 1 olive oil brand. Bertolli Organic is a range of extra virgin olive oils from organically grown olives. There are three flavour intensities so you can enjoy extra virgin with any dish; Gentile with a mellow, rounded flavour that goes well with white fish and other light flavours, Fruity with a fruity note that works well in dressings, marinades or for bread dipping and Robusto which pairs well with red meat or when roasting or BBQing. Bertolli Organic extra virgin olive oil contains just crushed olives, nothing else. Extra virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants. The Bertolli Organic range carry the Australian Certified Organic logo.

Bertolli Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is available at Woolworths and selected IGA stores nationally.

Ingredients (serves 8 | makes 8 Individual Chocolate Puddings)

  • 1.5 cups Self Raising Flour
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/2 cup Cocoa Powder
  • 1 cup Caster Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Dark Chocolate Chips
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1/2 cup Bertolli Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Fruity Taste
  • 1/2 cup Milk
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Paste
  • 1 punnet Fresh Raspberries (or 1 cup frozen)


  1. Preheat oven to 170.C
  2. Sift all the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl (flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and caster sugar).
  3. Beat together the eggs, Bertolli Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil, milk and vanilla paste until light and creamy in the bowl of a food processor.
  4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix on low speed until well combined.
  5. Gently stir in 3/4 of the fresh raspberries with a spatula. Reserve some raspberries to decorate after baking.
  6. Lightly grease individual oven-proof ramekins with Bertolli Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil then spoon in mixture to 2/3 full (2 - 3 tablespoons).
  7. Place all ramekins on a baking tray and sit in the middle of the oven. Cook for 5 - 6 minutes then rotate the tray for even cooking. Cook a further 5 - 6 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle with a little extra cocoa and fresh raspberries to serve. Perfect with cream and/or ice cream!

If you like this Chocolate Puddings with Raspberries recipe, you might also like these other recipes we developed using Bertolli Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil ...
  • Cheesy Focaccia - a simple recipe for the tastiest focaccia you'll ever taste.
  • Roast Vegetable Salad - if you've never tasted a pudding made with olive oil, get ready for a flavour sensation. Rich, glossy and so simple!
Bertolli_Base Image_650x150
  • I always find that olive oil in muffins is too strong a flavour, but I am going to give these a try.


  • Had me at Chocolate


  • Love a good chocolate pudding, and love Raspberries even more. Perfect combo


  • Looks absolutely delicious. Choc & raspberries = the perfect duo


  • They look so rich and decadent! Amazing


  • Oh wow, they look so delicious. Chocolate, I sure would love that.


  • Fresh raspberries are so great with chocolate!


  • This looks pretty delicious. I might test this recipe out for my husband this weekend. I think I will add raspberries or maybe blackberries, they are a great price at the store at the moment.


  • Yum, these are looking good for the xmas day menu!


  • These might be a good idea for Xmas day celebrations. They look great.


  • they look so delicious :-)


  • Uh yum! Just got one of this bottles so will give them a go


  • Love a chocolate and olive recipe


  • These look so deliciously decadent! I’m drooling.


  • Can’t go wrong with chocolate and raspberries!


  • These are such fantastic little puddings. Love the mix of choc and raspberry. Just needs some cream or vanilla ice cream.


  • Love how easy this recipe is and how delicious they look can’t wait to make them.


  • I think the only difficulty will be not scoffing half of these myself!


  • These sound so good! Oil always makes puddings extra moist to! Yum!


  • These sound so good! Choc pudding are one of my favourite desserts. I might be a bit impatient for themthough so might try the microwave!

    • How do you find puddings go in the microwave?


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