
  • Makes 24
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


Such a quick and fun Christmas version of a good old chocolate crackle … just richer and chocolatier!

Ingredients (makes 24 crackles)

  • 4 Mars Bars
  • 3 cups Cocoa Pops
  • 2 tbs Cream
  • 125g White Cooking Chocolate
  • 24 Smarties or M&Ms
  • 2 Green Snakes or Spearmint Leaves


  1. Melt the Mars Bars and cream in a large heatproof bowl over boiling water (or in the microwave).
  2. Remove from heat and add the Cocoa Pops. Mix and stir until well combined.
  3. Lightly spray a 24 cup mini muffin tin with cooking spray and then form the mars bar/cocoa pops mixture into balls the size of small golf balls and sit into the muffin tray.
  4. Melt the white chocolate in a small bowl over boiling water (or in the microwave) then spoon a small amount onto the top of each crackle.
  5. Before the white chocolate sets, add a smartie or M&M and a little piece of green snake for the holly leaf.
  6. Can be set quickly in the fridge or depending on the temperature of the day, they should also set out of the fridge.


If you'd like to make this recipe even more Christmassy, throw in a handful of currants, a little ginger, some dried cranberries or even a tablespoon of fruit mince mix.

  • I made these for my grandchildren for the Christmas table they loved them


  • Why does MOM keep posting such unhealthy foods? This will send the kids crazy with all the sugar in it.

    • I think if you have a look through the recipies you will find that there are all differant types of recipies here. Some are gluten free, dairy free, low fat, no sugar, etc. But life is a balance and so should our diets be. Most of us enjoy somethign sweet and decadent from time to time and our kids should be allowed these treats also. its just not something that they should have everyday and all day.


  • Yum, like the mars bars mixed into the traditional chocolate crackle.
    Also like the note on adding ginger and cranberries


  • this looks really good


  • Such a cute idea, the kids would love to make these


  • I love this recipe and the fact there is no fruit in it means I can eat them too. I hope mine turn out looking as good as these


  • That’s a load of sweetness packed in one treat


  • The kids would love this, much better than fruit pudding and custard. Thanks for sharing


  • Oh yum!


  • A nice treat for Christmas that the kids can help with. Thanks for posting, they look delicious!


  • Sounds very sweet.


  • What a great recipe! A great treat for the kids to have on Christmas Day


  • Looks nice. I like to make crackles with raw ingredients and often make it sugar free.


  • This looks great, even for a non Christmas treat.


  • Good lord, have to make these!


  • Saw this recipe and made it the next day to share with the PFA at my daughters school. They were a hit! So many asking for the recipe and very surprised by the ingredients and it’s simplicity. I then took some to work and they were gone in a flash. I will be making anther batch this weekend to make up little packages for my neighbours for Christmas. I’ll be doing the Christmas puddings but will also be doing some with pretzels to make reindeers.


  • This sounds so rich. But I’m sure it would go down a treat!!


  • Great Recipe I’ve never been a fan of copha in chocolate crackles so the fact this doesn’t have any makes it wonderful! I do love marsbars I will need an extra for eating while I cook!


  • A bit naughty but it looks so delicious!


  • Wow, what a simple yet fantastic idea. Who would have thought? I love this.


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