
  • Serves 4
  • 25 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients


These coconut chicken schnitzels are a delicious twist on a family favorite!

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 Chicken breast per person, thinly cut into schnitzels
  • Panko breadcrunbs
  • Chopped fresh parsley
  • 1/2 Cup desiccated coconut
  • 2 Eggs, beaten
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Oil, for cooking
  • Lemon to serve


  1. Place the panko breadcrumbs into a bowl, and add in the parsley, coconut, salt & pepper. Stir to completely combine
  2. Dip the chicken piece by piece into the egg, and then into the panko crumb mixture - pressing on each breast to make sure the crumbs adhere
  3. Heat some oil in a frying pan, and add in the schnitzels. Cook over a medium heat until golden brown cooked through
  4. Serve with fresh lemon to squeeze over the top

  • Yum. Love chicken schnitzels and the coconut sounds like a delicious addition!


  • We love coconut. Will have to try this on our next schnitzel night b


  • We love schnitzels and this looks good, will have to try this recipe as I haven’t use desiccated coconut before.


  • Your chicken schnitzel looks delicious,must try this one for sure!


  • It sounds odd but something I think I’d give a try as part of my bread crumbs mix thanks


  • Have to admit, I’ve never considered adding coconut to the breadcrumbs for a schnitzel. Not sure how it would go down here


  • Although coconut is not my favourite flavour my boys would love this


  • I made these last night, was going to make ‘normal’ schnitzels and thought I would give this a go instead. SOOOOOOO delicious.

    • So glad that you enjoyed it! It’ s one of my favorite coatings for a schnitzel


  • Yum! This looks and sounds amazing. We would love this I think. Must give it a go.


  • Coconut crumbles are lovely, I add some gluten free breadcrumbs and often use it to give broccoli and cauliflower a crumble coating and then deep fry it. My kids love it


  • Yum ! Great variation on a theme !


  • Thank you for this version. Love the idea of coconut in the crumbs.


  • this looks so appetising, I cannot wait to give this a try – I love anything with coconut in it – Thank you for sharing

    • Me too! So much love for coconut – collect recipes with coconut.


  • Delicious looking chicken schnitzel – I would love this meal right now it sounds and looks so good! :)


  • Well presented and looks amazing!


  • I’ve tried coating chicken with shredded coconut. Beautiful. I love your taste! :-)


  • Simply a delicious dish thanks for sharing


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