
  • Serves 4
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 11 Ingredients


This Crispy Potato, Prawn and Mango Salad is everything we love about Aussie Summer in a dish.

Trays of juicy sweet mangoes, peeling crunchy prawns to devour over a festive lunch and indulging on a few too many crispy potatoes – isn’t this what Christmas in Australia is all about?

This recipe gives us all of the quintessential Aussie Summer feels, so why not whip it up to enjoy for all of your Christmas gatherings.

What really makes this salad sing is a good drizzle of the Paul Newman’s Own Ranch Dressing.

Paul Newman’s Own makes great tasting products using high quality ingredients. Sporting new look packaging, Paul Newman’s Own products are manufactured in Australia, and 2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the product being sold in Australia.

Paul Newmans Own Salad Dressings

What we love about Paul Newman’s Own is that they make Radically Good Food and Do Radically Good by giving away 100% of their Profits.

The Newman’s Own Foundation nourishes and transforms the lives of children who face adversity, with 100% of Profits used to Help Kids. This year they are helping Aussie kids who face serious illness experience the fun and freedom of camp.

You can purchase Paul Newman’s Own at WoolworthsColes and selected independent retailers.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • Paul Newman’s Own Ranch Dressing
  • 12 raw prawns
  • 0.5 tsp garlic powder
  • 0.5 tsp sweet paprika
  • 0.5 tsp dry parsley
  • 0.5 tsp butter
  • 1 large potato
  • 80g rucola salad
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 1 fresh mango


  1. Place prawns with garlic powder, sweet paprika, and dry parsley in a bowl and stir to coat the prawns.
  2. In a small frying pan, melt butter and cook the prawns on each side for about 2 minutes. Remove the prawns from the pan and set aside.
  3. Peel the potato and cut it into small, even cubes. Drizzle olive oil and sprinkle salt over them. Stir to combine.
  4. Place the potatoes in an air fryer at 170 degrees for 12 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, cut the mango into small wedges.
  6. Place arugula on a serving plate. Once the potatoes are ready, add them to the salad. Spread the prawns on top and add the mango wedges.
  7. Finally, dress with a generous drizzle of Paul Newman's Own Ranch Dressing.

  • Paul newmans is definitely my fave brand , great recipe


  • My husband and my 4 and a half year old will love this recipe.


  • This looks phenomenal, i am adding this to something I must try. As my son says “Yummy Yummy for my Tummy!”.


  • yum yum in my tummy. great for recipe for seafood lovers,


  • I am not a prawn fan at all, but others in my family are.


  • Oh this looks seriously drool worthy. Yes please


  • This recipe looks absolutely delicious I can’t wait to try it out when I have guests over the mix of ingredients is different but I’m sure they go together very well.


  • I have never tried this combination of ingredients. :)

    • I will have to see if there are any mangoes in store this time of year.


  • Oh yum, I agree prawns and mango go together! Perfect for summer!


  • Sounds like a great recipe for summer bbqs, have to try this out next summer when mangos are in season


  • I’m not a prawn fan, but this looks great for those who are.


  • This looks so good! Also love that ranch dressing, so yummy


  • Looks delicious and a winner for me. Certainly on my menu for Christmas now.


  • I eat no meat or any type of fish / animal, but mango salad is lovely :)


  • I’m not a big prawn fan, but this looks great for entertaining.


  • Yum! What a refreshing looking salad!


  • yumm and look delicious and vibrant


  • Will be trying this one
    Love Prawns and Love Mangos


  • Not something I’d normally go for but it’s now something I’d love to try!


  • This salad looks so delicious and the addition of mangos is great.


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