
  • Serves 12
  • Makes 12/24
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


I used all leftover ingredients for the week as a cheap snack. Depending on how you cut the slice it will make 12/24 slices.

Ingredients (serves 12 | makes 12/24 )

  • 4 cup Cornflakes
  • 1 tin Condensed milk
  • 100g Butter
  • 6 table spoons Milo
  • 1 cup Melted cooking chocolate (brown)
  • 1/2 cup Melted cooking chocolate (white)
  • 2 cup Coconut shredded


  1. Crush cornflakes in the blender high for 3 minutes
  2. Add crushed cornflakes to mixing bowl and add the Milo and coconut, Mix all together
  3. Add in the condensed milk and butter and prepare those arm muscles to mix this bad boy into shape.
  4. Once mixed get out a baking tray or container lay down a sheet of baking paper then add mix on-top and press down hard to make a solid square.
  5. Heat the cooking chocolate in the microwave starting with the brown first layer generously on-top of the slice. Move onto the white chocolate heat in the microwave then use a fork to create drizzle across the slice. Let it set and ready to eat in 30 minutes.

  • OMG this sounds and looks amazing….yes please


  • Milo and condensed milk – what a winner!!!


  • Sounds delicious. Great for sharing.


  • This looks tasty will have to give it a go.


  • They look delicious, I love condensed milk, so a snack every now and than.


  • thanks for sharing, they look amazing and so easy to do.


  • Looks good, might be a good one to make over the weekend with the kids.


  • Yum!! Love no bake slices. This looks and sounds delicious.


  • This sounds delicious, curious to see the end results when i make it with cornflakes


  • yum. I think this will be delicious but I do have a sweet tooth.


  • Not for me. I think it would be too sweet.


  • No bake is perfect for kids to help with. Thanks for the recipe.


  • This would be a favourite with young and old!


  • I don’t think I’ve ever met a chocolate slice I didn’t like.


  • MILO! This looks so yummy!! Cant wait to try it, thanks for sharing!


  • Great recipe instead of Milo might try with Cadbury drinking chocolate as a gluten free option


  • oh my gosh, it had Milo in it!!! My favourite and together with condensed milk, even better.
    Thank you so much for sharing.


  • Looks like a great Saturday afternoon baking session with the grandchildren.


  • These sound great. I have someone in my family that doesn’t eat egg, so I’m happy to give these a try.


  • Always looking for new slice ideas, this looks scrumptious!


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