
  • Serves 6
  • Makes 20
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients

41 Comment

These dairy free chia pancakes are a slightly healthier option for breakfast or even school lunchbox snacks (minus the nuts on top).

Ingredients (serves 6 | makes 20 )

  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/4 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Bean Paste (optional)
  • 1.5 cups Almond Milk, Soy Milk or Almond/Coconut Milk
  • 2 teaspoons Baking Powder
  • 2 cups Self Raising Flour (wholemeal SR flour optional)
  • 1/4 cup White Chia Seeds


  1. Combine all ingredients into the large bowl of a food processor.
  2. Blitz on low until combined (approx 30 seconds).
  3. Increase speed to medium/high and blitz for a further 1 minute.
  4. Allow mixture to rest for 10 - 15 minutes before cooking pancakes.
  5. Serve with a drizzle of honey, golden syrup or rice malt syrup and a sprinkle of toasted slivered almonds and toasted shredded coconut.


These dairy free chia pancakes are a huge hit in my house and the kids actually notice if the chia seeds aren't in the mix! I think they love the little bit of crunch the chia seeds add. If you want to go sugar free you can substitute the brown sugar for rice malt syrup or agave syrup. They aren't technically sugar but given this recipe only calls for 1/4 cup and I use brown sugar, I don't worry too much. Enjoy!

  • As long as I can kave mine with lemon and sugar then im good


  • Sounds good to me though I might try and add an egg though thanks love the recipe


  • This looks great chia seeds are so versitile tha ks


  • Sounds and looks great – thanks for sharing.


  • I make diary free pancakes all the time and most of the time gluten free as well. I don’t like to add sugar to the batter. Chia seeds instead of eggs works perfect and adds fiber. It helps to soak the chia seeds in water or milk before adding to the batter.


  • I’m prepared to give any pancakes a go. I have some of the ingredients, will just need to buy the rest.


  • Not one for me but thanks anyway.


  • mmm, I am a zymil milk gal too, love this recipe


  • Awesome recipe! I too have an affliction with dairy, I just use zymil for everything and I seem to be ok with that type of milk. I think I’ll try substituting it with zymil and see how well it goes. Thanks for the great recipe looks yummy!


  • I love chia seeds in pancake batter. Personally I never sweeten the pancake dough, but do use raw vanilla powder and sometimes cinnamon to add a bit of a sweet taste.


  • Yum!!


  • these would be a great little treat 🙂


  • These sound very tasty – love the idea.


  • gooood morning brekky – yum


  • A simple and healthier option; thanks for sharing!.


  • yeah i love the little health boost from chia. hot pancakes are the best!


  • Great recipe. Thanks.


  • Hot pancakes for breakfast are so divine and a family fave. Great to see healthier option

    • yes you can have the healthier version but the full on naughty version is good too lol


  • These pancakes look so delicious


  • Very nice! It looks great! Thanks so much for sharing this recipe!


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