
  • Serves 8
  • 1 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 13 Ingredients


If you’re looking for a special desert that you can have hot or cold, this delicious Milk Tart is just the thing.  Simple to make and beautifully simple to enjoy.

Ingredients (serves 8)

  • 125g Soft butter - for pastry
  • 50ml Castor sugar - for pastry
  • 1 Egg - for pastry
  • 500ml Cake flour - for pastry
  • Pinch Salt- for pastry
  • 625 ml Milk
  • 1 stick Cinnamon
  • 60ml Flour
  • 75ml Sugar
  • 25ml Butter
  • 3 Eggs separated
  • 2ml Vanilla
  • Ground Cinnamon and sugar


  1. To make pastry, cream the 125g soft butter and 50ml castor sugar. Beat in 1 egg, sift in 500ml cake flour and salt. Form a ball and chill while making the filling.
  2. Using heavy based saucepan, scald 500ml milk and cinnamon stick. Mix flour, sugar to paste with remaining 125ml milk. Stir in the hot milk then return to saucepan and cook until thick, stirring and keeping heat low to prevent scorching. When thick and smooth remove and add butter, cool. Remove cinnamon stick and then beat in yolks, one at a time using a wooden spoon. Add vanilla. Whisk egg whites and fold in.
  3. Press chilled dough evenly into 23cm pie dish. Cover base with circle of grease-proof paper and weight with dried beans. Bake at 180 degrees for 10 mins. Remove paper and beans and bake 5 mins more. Pour in filling and bake for 20 to 25 mins until set.
  4. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

  • I wonder if this works ok with trim milk or if full cream is required ???


  • This looks interesting although not sure I would try it.


  • I have never heard of or eaten a Milk Tart. There’s always a first time, though.


  • It sounds like it would be a custard tart. Yum :)


  • I’ve never had a milk tart before. The recipe looks reasonably simple, might have to give it a try.


  • haven’t heard of this before – sounds like maybe a baked custard?


  • Never heard of this before so can’t wait to try it!


  • Great recipe – used to make it years ago and will do it again. Thanks for sharing.


  • I used to make this recipe years ago and was called different name, it was called Custard Tart.


  • I’ve never heard of a milk tart but sounds so yum!!


  • This sounds delicious, perfect for my sweet tooth family ????


  • It sounds delicious,love a dessert to make!


  • I never tried this. Thank you for sharing.


  • Oooh I’ve always wanted to try and make a milk tart! Thanks for sharing :)


  • I don’t think I’ve ever had a milk tart before but it’s always nice to try something different.
    I’ll have to look up how to “scald” milk as knowing me I’ll just burn it!!!
    Thank you for sharing.


  • Looks great- never heard of it!


  • This is not something I’ve had or even heard of before. A simple Milk Tart! Yum.


  • Thanx for sharing your recipe


  • This looks super yummy


  • Ohhh yum. This looks like great comfort food


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