
  • Serves 3
  • 25 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients

152 Comment

This is our favourite TV dinner served with a side of veggies or salad.

Ingredients (serves 3)

  • 2 Chicken breast - cut into small pieces
  • 3-4 tbsp Red or green pesto
  • 2-3 handfuls Bread crumbs or panko or crushed cornflakes
  • 2-3 tbsp Oil


  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Put the chicken and pesto in a bowl and mix together until all the chicken is covered.
  3. Pour the oil into a shallow baking dish, just enough to cover and place into the oven for 5 minutes.
  4. Put the bread crumbs in a freezer bag and add the chicken in small batches. Shake each batch around until chicken pieces are coated.
  5. Place the nuggets onto the heated baking tray, no pieces touching, and bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.


I usually make a big batch and freeze half. To freeze, place on a baking sheet, not touching, and freeze. When frozen, place in a bag or container and freeze until ready to bake.

  • these look so much better then those processed fast food crap, thanks for sharing.


  • Sounds great, i prefer the red pesto incidentally.


  • Love these home made nuggets so much more than store bought or takeaway.


  • thankyou for sharing your nugget recipe – my girls love nuggest but I have yet to try cooking them from scratch – your simple recipe is now jotted down for me to try out this week – thank you 🙂


  • the most simplest crumbing method I’ve ever heard of! Can’t wait to give this a go!


  • Yum! Love these! Think my kids will as well. Can’t say I ever make nuggets, usually just buy them, but reckon I can give these a go.


  • Love the pesto in this recipe


  • Awesome! Great to find an easy child friendly meal. My kids would gobble these up


  • My daughter loves these! So easy and tasty


  • Oh….what a great idea. I wonder if there’s a particular pesto brand that works best. I’d imagine you couldn’t use anything too chunky.


  • i cnt have nugeet with no sauce


  • Great for a quick snack thanks for share


  • bring on the footy fnals with these babies!


  • Yummy will try this thanks for share


  • Wow yummy look at this great recipe


  • oh yum, I love this recipe – what a great way to make junk food healthy


  • a much healthier idea making your own nuggets


  • My kids are going to love these!


  • it s so really awesome exellent


  • These are a HUGE hit in our home ..thank you


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