
  • Serves 2
  • 25 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients


This is SO easy and my kids loved it. The new Ingham’s chicken breast nuggets taste amazing and you know they’re made of nothing but chicken breast so completely guilt free !!! I always recommend making more as the kids want more and so will you!

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 8 Ingham's Free Range Chicken Breast Nuggets
  • 1 Cup Couscous
  • 1 Cup Frozen Peas
  • 1 Carrot Sliced


  1. Pre-heat oven to 200 , then place the Ingham's Free Range Chicken Breast Nuggets in a baking tray and set timer for 20 mins.
  2. Meanwhile, fill up the kettle and boil, add 1-1 1/2 cups of boiling water to the couscous. Set to one side.
  3. Pour the remaining boiling water in a pan and cook the carrots , add the frozen peas in for the last 3 minutes of cooking. Drain the veggies, add butter or olive oil to the couscous to taste and fluff up with a fork. I use cookie cutters, ginger bread men, dinousaurs and star shapes to make the couscous a bit more fun for the kids so literally place the shape on the plate and fill it with couscous and let it set for a couple of minutes into the shape before removing the shape!
  4. Once 20 mins are up, take out the nuggets and serve!


Make EXTRA as you will want to eat the nuggets too, they are so delicious!!!

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If you’d like to be in the running to win a $250 prepaid Visa Card, all you need to do is submit your favourite recipes using ANY INGHAM'S PRODUCT. Simply purchase an Ingham's product, create a recipe, take a photo of the recipe (even better if there is Ingham’s product packaging in the background of the photo) and then post onto the MoM siteEvery recipe that is approved and published by the MoM team by 30 September 2018 stands a chance to be judged the winner. For further details, visit the competition page. 
  • I love the idea of the Cous cous in a star, would be a winner in our household


  • Some more carrots on the plate would be a meal for me. Perhaps lunch on a cold Winter day.


  • I love the star in the middle it’s a lovely way to feed the kids thanks for sharing


  • Healthy and delicious never tired cous cous for my little o e but I will hopefully try looks nice


  • Chicken nuggets are a stable in our house too!


  • Fantastic; especially for the kids.


  • A very appealing and inviting meal that kids will love


  • A meal the kids would love!


  • Not much to this ‘recipe’ is there? Nuggets are already made, bung on some peas carrots and couscous


  • I like your couscous star. what a lovely way to serve it


  • Love the idea of the cookie cutter. Will have to give these nuggets a go to see what the fuss is about.


  • Sounds amazing. I love the cookie cutter idea


  • I wasn’t lucky enough to get a sample but sounds delicious

    • Me either – will look at the reviews.


  • yes they smell so good when cooking that you can’t help but try one or two yourself! – love the star!


  • A very cute and imaginative way to present chicken nuggets – love the couscous star.


  • yum, we love nuggets and chicken strips in our house!


  • What a lovely presentation with the couscous star! :-)


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