
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 5 Ingredients
March 4, 2024

25 Comment

We’re serving up an easy, peasy slice that’s perfect for the kids’ lunch boxes, and doubles as the ultimate treat with a cuppa for busy mums. It’s a win-win!

Violet Crumble has just launched their new mint flavour, so we’re sharing one of their delicious recipes using this new, sweet treat. Keep a look out for the Violet Crumble Mint Cubes next time you’re at Coles (you can only get them there!).



  • 130g Violet Crumble Mint
  • 250g Milk Chocolate for melting
  • 250g Arnott’s Marie Biscuits
  • 200g Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 100g Chopped Butter


  1. Crush the biscuits in a food processor and pop into a large mixing bowl.
  2. Melt the butter and condensed milk together in the microwave stirring every 30 seconds for 2 to 3 minutes or until melted and mix until smooth consistency and pour onto the biscuits and mix through until combined.
  3. Chop up or lightly crush the Violet Crumble Mint cubes and add to the mix and stir through.
  4. Spread the mixture into an 18cm x 28cm rectangular slice tin lined with baking paper.
  5. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, stirring regularly for 3 to 4 minutes or until melted then pour over the slice.
  6. Pop in the fridge for an hour and you are ready to enjoy!

  • YUM ! Violet Crumble and mint !


  • This looks so yummy….I will have to try it out. I love no bake recipes like this one.


  • Very simple and stretches the Violet Crumbles out nicely.


  • well this looks absolutely delicious


  • Mmm this looks good! I just got a new food processor too – going to have to save this recipe to try!


  • love a good no bake recipe and I cant wait to try this one and also the violet crumble mint on its own too.


  • Oh MY these look so good , can’t wait to give them a go


  • Unique mix of flavours !!!


  • I love this recipe because it’s so easy to make and only a small number of ingredients. Thank you for sharing this


  • Oh. My. God. This looks so yum! Easter treat sorted!


  • Oh what can I say but Yum Yum a little sweet and naughty but only in small portions is okay right hahaha


  • Thanks for sharing your recipe 🙂


  • I’ve tried this new Violet Crumble and it is delish. I don’t feel I need to do anything else with it.


  • Oh my gosh, yummmmm, I need this in my life


  • This is the best news! Violet Crumble MINT?!! I’m excited. Will be making this slice this week. Yuuuum!


  • Oh wow! Never even heard of violet crumble mint but this would be delicious with either the plain or mint I think!

    • I will be hunting for the mint flavour.


  • I didn’t even know violet crumble came in mint!


  • Sounds and looks like a delicious Violet Crumble slice; will happily make mint and traditional slice.


  • Simple and easy – what a lovely treat to make. Thanks so much for sharing.


  • Omg so rich especially with my favourites condense milk and violet crumble.


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