
  • Makes 1
  • 1.45 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 10 Ingredients


Yummy warm as a dessert with cream or ice cream, but just as good cold with a cuppa !

Ingredients (makes 1 23 cm cake)

  • 40 Grams butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup almond meal
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 3/4 cups caster sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 cups self raising flour
  • 4 pears, peeled , cored and sliced thinly
  • 1 tablespoon sugar extra
  • 20 grams butter extra


  1. Generously grease a 23cm springform pan with butter. Sprinkle 1/2 the almond meal into the pan and shake around to coat the sides and base
  2. Combine the eggs and sugar and beat well until combined
  3. Add the vanilla, milk and flour and mix well to form a thick batter. Stir in pears and pour mixture into prepared pan .
  4. Mix extra sugar with remaining almond meal and sprinkle over the top of the cake mix. Dot with the extra butter
  5. Bake in 180 deg.( 160 fan forced) oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. If cake top begins to brown to quickly cover with foil for the remaining cooking time
  6. cool in pan for 10 minutes. Serve warm with cream or enjoy cold.


Deliciously moist cake with a full pear flavor. I used brown pears but any variety will suffice.

  • I would love to give this a go


  • This is great for entertaining family and friends, thanks!


  • I would love to try this recipe.


  • This sounds like the perfect morning or afternoon tea addition.


  • Perfect for afternoon tea. I like the almond meal in it too.


  • This sounds just lovely, I will be trying this one out, thank you!


  • I absolutely love this – perfect with an afternoon tea. And I know and have all of the ingredients too.


  • Perfect with a nice cup of tea whilst watching the rain pour outside!


  • Yum can I have this with my cuppa right now?!


  • We LOVE pear cake, I make mine without sugar as pears are already so sweet. But I do add cinnamon and vanilla bean pods


  • Oooooh yum!


  • This looks delicious especially with ice cream


  • Yum. That looks so yummy. Thank you for sharing


  • oh wow… a pear cake.. i’ve never had one before to be honest. Will give a try :D yayyyy


  • Lovely recipe! Pear will make a nice change from apple!


  • Yum. I love fruit in a cake. Pear would be so moist and juicey and sweet


  • Too much sugar for my liking. I make an upside down pear cake without sugar which tastes divine.


  • I can’t believe I’ve never made a cake with pears in it. Thanks for the recipe.

    • I can’t believe that either lol ;)


  • I would love to give this a try, thanks for the recipe.


  • Oh my this looks scrumdiddlyumptious. I’ll have mine warm with cream and ice cream please.


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