
  • Serves 16
  • Makes 16 squares
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 5 Ingredients


Fudge with Lavender makes for wonderfully easy treats for the neighbours, friends and family – particularly at Christmas time.

If you’re not keen on Fudge with Lavender, I have also used other flavourings such as nuts, vanilla, crushed meringue with lemon flavouring and white chocolate … you can use your imagination but it will require a little trial and error. I was excited to try Baileys but found that this stopped the setting of the fudge.

Why not make a batch of Fudge with Lavender this weekend? 

Ingredients (serves 16 | makes 16 squares )

  • 450 grams Milk or dark cooking chocolate best you can afford
  • 1/2 teaspoon Baking soda
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 400g Sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 teaspoon Edible lavender if desired or other flavorings like peppermint etc


  1. Line a square baking pan 20cm x 20cm with baking paper
  2. Add the condensed milk chocolate baking soda and salt to a saucepan melt over a low heat stirring slowly and more as it melts. Be vigilant not to overheat this mix as it will burn.
  3. When melted and lump free remove from the heat and stir in the lavender rubbing it between your palms to make aromatic as the mix it in.
  4. Pour into the pan and refrigerate at least for 3 hours I do overnight if I have time. Remove from the pan and cut into squares 3cm approx . Try a hot knife if your having trouble.


This is a quick and versatile fudge recipe use any flavor combination you fancy. I like to mix dark and milk chocolate. You can buy edible lavender online - make sure you don't use the regular type from the garden.

  • Great idea to use some lavendar, just Beautiful.


  • Oooh love fudge and this sounds nice! Never tried edible lavender.


  • this sounds amazing – i’ve got some lavender (edible) leaves to be used up, this might work a treat in this recipe!


  • I love the idea of combining Lavender into a dessert, brilliant!


  • This sounds like a special treat indeed!


  • Sounds so fancy, great for cutting up and wrapping and gifting to people.


  • Hello
    I am a little confused. I have been looking up culinary lavender online and all of the sites I have looked at say you can use any English lavender in cooking, as long as it is cleaned of any debris.
    I notice for this recipe you say not to use lavender from the garden.
    Can you please explain why you said this?
    I am not doubting you at all, just curious to know if I can or can’t use it ????

    Thank you


  • Would it taste alright? Bet it would smell beautful


  • Wow – I love lavender.
    I never thought to put it into fudge though. It sounds like an amazing combo.
    I had it with lemonade once and fell in love with it ever since.


  • I love fudge as a special treat and love the lavender added!


  • Love the lavender addition for a little twist


  • I love Fudge but can I leave off the Lavender easy recipe thanks again


  • A different twist to have lavender.


  • Never tried cooking with lavender before. Interesting


  • Wow what an amazing recipe


  • I’ve often wondered what lavender is like in food, I imagine it as overpowering


  • Definitely saving this one to make later… I have a specialty salt that has lavender in it, so I might actually use that (combines the pinch of salt that way too)! Lavender is delicious added to a variety of dishes! <3


  • Is edible lavendar easy to come by? We went to a lavendar farm whilst at Kingaroy and omg the lavendar liquor was to die for so im willing to try this too. Loove the smell of lavender too. Thanks for the idea. Xx


  • Sounds delicious. The addition of lavender is unusual but I would be willing to try it.


  • I’ve never used lavender before, this might be a way to introduce myself to it


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