
  • Makes 12
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 5 Ingredients


These icy poles are the perfect summer treat to make with the kids – cheap, easy and fun!

Ingredients (makes 12 icy poles)

  • 500ml Lychee Juice or any other clear juice
  • Handful Berries such as strawberries and blueberries, halved if needed
  • Handful Melon such as rockmelon or watermelon, peeled and cut into balls or chunks
  • 1 slice Fresh peeled pineapple, cut into chunks
  • 1 Kiwi fruit, peeled sliced and quartered


  1. Line up the icy pole moulds (you can get these from K Mart for a very cheap price) then lay out all the fruit on a chopping board.
  2. Get the kids to choose what fruit they want in each icy pole. They may want to have a bit of everything in each one, or just keep things simple. Either way, make sure when they place the fruit in the moulds that it is pressed against the edges so that the lovely colours can be seen when set. They can add as much or as little as they like (as long as it's not over flowing from the mould).
  3. Slowly add the juice to the moulds, stopping when it is 2cm from the top.
  4. Place the sticks in the moulds and freeze to set. Some of the fruit may need to be jigged around to make the sticks fit.
  5. Once set the icy poles should come away from the moulds without too much hassle but a little warm water may be needed to help loosen them.


Just about any kind of fruit would work for these icy poles so let the kids go crazy! It is best to stick to clear juice so that you can see all that yummy fruit!

  • These are a great idea!!


  • My grandchildren would love these – thanks for sharing.


  • Coming into summer these will go down very well here. Handy that the children and grand daughter can make their own ones.


  • I think I will he trying lychees in my next batch of icey poles sounds like a good recipe to try thanks


  • So good having healthy icy poles. Thanks.


  • I love this recipe!


  • Melissa, love the ices, and love the pic of the girls too, super cute!


  • As my son would say that is yummy in my tummy


  • these look delicious and refreshing on a summers day..awesome!


  • Hmmm. I don’t think my kids have ever eaten a lychee – time to go to the shops and broaden their tastebuds!! This will be the recipe to do it!

    • haha! A lychee is rather exotic isn’t it? The juice I used was pretty sweet though so no arguments from the kids! You can always try another type of clear juice if the lychee isn’t a hit.


  • This sounds perfect for my family, I must give this a go


  • On a hot day every-one will love these icy poles,thanks!

    • They sure will! This week is stinking hot in Melbourne so I will be sure to break out the moulds at least once or twice!


  • My grandkids are going to love these icy poles, another twist for a summer treat thanks!


  • great recipe M, and very cute photo!


  • Oh goodness me these look absolutely fabulous. What a great healthy option for an icey summer treat.

    • Absolutely! I am actually going to buy some more moulds this week – I have so many new ideas to try.


  • I love making icy poles for the kids – great idea using lychee juice! I haven’t thought of that. My kids will love these.

    • I have to say the Lychee juice has actually been my favourite so far! I went to a fruit and veg store that had a large range of Asian style fruit juice drinks – the one I used was an Aloe/Lychee juice and it had just the right amount of sweetness.


  • These look and sound amazing ..simply divine ..thanx


  • Thanks – these look so refreshing and good to eat!


  • What a great way to keep kids cool and get them to have some fruit at the same time.


  • I really like this idea – a clever way to introduce different fruit flavours.


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