
  • Makes 1
  • 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients

66 Comment

Gluten free Banana Bread is perfect for so many reasons.

If you, or your family are coeliacs, this Gluten Free Banana Bread is the bomb.  Or if you would just prefer to go a little lighter on the carbs, you need this recipe. Or if you’re just trying your best to avoid highly processed flours, you’re going to want to bookmark this recipe.

Thanks so much to MoM Member Rachael for sharing her delicious recipe for gluten free banana bread. A banana bread without the flour, butter or sugar!

Now that is a win, win, win in our books.

What do we love about this Gluten Free Banana Bread recipe?

  1. It’s gluten free!  Hee hee, of course it is!
  2. The addition of rolled oats packs in a whole bunch of good for you dietary fibre.  We like Uncle Toby’s Traditional Rolled Oats for everything but particularly baking.
  3. We love that the coconut oil works in place of butter
  4. We love the crunch of the walnuts
  5. We love the spiciness of the cinnamon

Which bananas are best for this Gluten Free Banana Bread?

The wonderful thing about any banana bread is that it’s a great way to use up bananas that everyone is avoiding.  You know, the bananas that start to get a little spotty on their skins.  Or worse still, the bananas you’ve popped into the fridge which are perfectly fine inside but the skins have gone black!

Whether you have Cavendish, Lady Finger or Red Tipped Bananas at home, any of these will be fine.

Our only suggestion is that you avoid using bananas that are not ripe or only just ripening.  They will be a little too light on flavour to shine through in a recipe.

Is this the best Gluten Free Banana Bread recipe you’ve tried?

Once you’ve tried this recipe (or if you already have), we’d love you to give us your opinion in the comments below.  If you LOVED the recipe, hit the LOVE button up top of this recipe.  That way others will know it’s a keeper!

Ingredients (makes 1 loaf)

  • 3 Ripe bananas
  • 3 cups Oats
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1/3 cup Coconut oil
  • 1 tsp Baking powder
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 3 Tbsp Cinnamon
  • 2 Tbsp Honey
  • 1/4 cup Chopped walnuts


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl, mash the bananas.
  3. Add in the eggs and oil, mixing thoroughly.
  4. Stir in the oats, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, honey and walnuts. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour into a bread loaf pan.
  6. Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.


Great for school lunchboxes, or a morning/afternoon tea snack.

  • Sounds yum, definitely i will be making this.


  • This looks like a healthy tasty banana bread. Gluten free or not.


  • I suspect that someone whithout knowledge of what Gulten actually is and where it comes from has thought that as this is flourless its gluten free. Thats not how it works.


  • NOT GLUTEN FREE. OATS ARE NOT GLUTEN FREE. DO NOT MAKE THIS FOR ANYONE WHO IS GLUTEN FREE OR CELIAC. You could make them extremely ill. Celiac disease affects people who eat gluten very badly and anyone who makes this needs to know oats are not gluten free. CHANGE THE TITLE OF THE RECIPE.


  • NOT GLUTEN FREE. Please change the title of this recipe. If someone who is celiac eats this, like my niece, she will be violently ill. DO NOT MAKE THIS FOR ANYONE WHO IS GLUTEN FREE. OATS HAVE GLUTEN.


  • This is great for kids lunch boxes.


  • I love banana bread so I’m certainly going to try this recipe


  • Although this is gluten free, it is not suitable for coeliacs, as it has oats in it


  • Yum, I love banana bread!!


  • I love Banana Bread. And whilst my friend is coeliac, she hates bananas !!


  • Looks like a great recipe, however a really dangerous one for those with Coeliac’s Disease. OATS ARE NOT GLUTEN FREE!!! Please rename this as a healthy banana bread, and not one that is gluten free!


  • Great Gluten free option for morning teas!


  • Loving their ingredients looks delicious!!!


  • Looks yummy, thanks for sharing your recipe


  • Oats are not gluten free and this recipe should not be labelled as such. This could make someone with coeliac disease quite unwell.



  • Can’t wait to try this banana bread recipe. Just need to wait until I can get some coconut oil.


  • My friend who must eat gluten-free, hates bananas!!!


  • My niece is going to love this


  • Thank you for healthy banana bread rceipe.


  • I am coeliac and have been told oats are not Gluten free


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