
  • Serves 8
  • 55 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients

Just because gluten is not your friend, doesn’t mean you can’t get cosy with some chocolatey treats. This Gluten Free Chocolate Fudge Cake should do the trick!

Ingredients (serves 8)

  • 100 g butter
  • 200 g gluten free dark chocolate, chopped
  • 120 g caster sugar (1/2 cup)
  • 3 eggs, separated
  • 25 g almond meal (1/4 cup)
  • 100 g mixed berries
  • 35 g flaked almonds, toasted
  • 1 tablespoon Pure Icing Sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 170C. Grease and line an 18cm spring form tin.
  2. In a double boiler over medium-high heat, melt the butter, chocolate and sugar. (Or a saucepan part filled with water, then a second saucepan or bowl stacked on top.)
  3. While the chocolate is melting, whip the egg whites until soft peaks form.
  4. When chocolate mixture has melted, remove from heat and stir until smooth. Add egg yolks and whisk until completely incorporated, smooth and shiny.
  5. Stir through a third of the egg whites and then add the almond meal and stir until combined through.
  6. Finally, gently fold in the remaining egg whites, until incorporated through the mixture. The mix will look a little curdled, which is perfect.
  7. Pour mixture into the prepared tin and cook in oven for 45 minutes. This cake is a hard one to check because the skewer should come out dirty and gooey. Test with a skewer two centimetres in from the edge of the cake. If it comes out clean, it’s done.
  8. When cooked, remove from oven and allow to cool completely in the tin.
  9. Serve topped with berries, toasted almonds and a dusting of icing sugar. A dollop of cream is good too!


Tip 1: The top will probably be cracked. I have made this cake at least 90 times and not once has it come out without a crack. Don’t worry, it adds to the character of the cake. :) Tip 2: I prefer not to keep this in the fridge as it can go quite hard. It is fine to store for a day in a cool place. If you need to store for longer, store in the fridge but remove at least half an hour before serving.

Check out the recipeezi Gluten Free App for loads more easy and delicious gluten free recipes. It's free in the App Stores.
  • it does look very tasty …I dont have issues with gluten and usually find gluten free products lack taste.


  • This gluten free chocolate cake looks delicious, will be trying this recipe.


  • Looks decadently delicious.


  • Great recipe for those who are gf


  • This just looks divine and I want to devour it.


  • Great recipe. Thanks for sharing


  • Yummy


  • thanx for sharing your recipe


  • Oh amazing! Can’t wait to try this one out


  • This looks yummy and simple to make.
    Just wondering if anyone has come across gluten free chocolate ???


  • Looks so tasty


  • this looks so good


  • I would love to try this.


  • Can’t wait to try this! I’m coeliac so this will be perfect for parties so that I can actually eat dessert for a change!


  • Looks like a great cake and one you can take to party without a worry


  • I made this for my friend’s baby shower- it’s delicious but more like brownies than a cake.


  • Ooh yum that looks very nice.


  • Ooh! I’m not a huge fan of gluten-free treats but… my friend would love this. I do like gluten-free shortbread and a choc brownie, so if this were to taste as good as it looks, I’d be prepared to make it for my friend.


  • Thanks for sharing, I prefer my own recipe though.


  • This will be a perfect alternative to serve at Christmas instead of the usual fruit cake.


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