
  • Serves 2
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients


In a bid to help Australians ‘carbdown’ for summer, Helga’s has recruited fitness expert Sam Wood to develop a 30 day meal and exercise plan featuring Helga’s Lower Carb breads and wraps. The 30 day plan contains a series of lower carb delicious recipes including this Stacked Chicken Sandwich.

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 3 tsp Praise Traditional 99% Fat Free mayonnaise
  • 3 tsp Dijon-style mustard
  • 4 Slices Helga’s Lower Carb 5 Seeds bread
  • 6 Baby Cos lettuce, torn
  • 1 Tomato, thickly sliced
  • 100g Cooked or barbecued chicken breast, thickly sliced
  • 1/2 Avocado, stoned, sliced and sprinkled with a little lemon juice
  • Freshly ground black pepper


  1. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise and mustard, then spread over bread.
  2. Divide lettuce, tomato, chicken and avocado between 2 slices of bread. Season with pepper and top with remaining slices of bread.

  • My very favourite type of sandwich.


  • Sounds like an awesome sanger!


  • This Low carb stacked chicken sandwich would be lovely for lunch today. I like the combination of the mayonnaise and mustard.


  • I know what I want for lunch today


  • Love a good sandwich with really fresh bread.


  • I love a sandwich with avocado on it – it’s just so hard to get ripe ones at the moment!


  • Know what I’m having for lunch today. Yum


  • This is definitely my kind of sandwich. I love all of the ingredients and eat most of them regularlly in a sandwich.


  • Sounds like a lovely, tasty sandwich.


  • Love these low carb recipes just what i need and they look so delicious packed full of taste


  • Yum this sounds delicious especially the combining of the mayonnaise and dijon mustard. The Helga’s bread is also very delicious and healthy for you too. I will make this sandwich for myself this week.


  • Another one to add to my book of these recipes. Going to be sure to be able to try them all.


  • Sounds and looks wonderful – and the chicken would be optional – try with other meats.


  • Thanks, this is good with or without the chicken.


  • If giving this to young children they may not like the mustard or pepper….or perhaps both of them in one sandwich. If you make the sandwich too thick It will be hard to bite through the whole thing. Maybe reduce the number of ingredients or cut them thin instead. Children may decide the only way they can bite them is to pull out some of the filling, hopefully eat it out of their fingers or they may throw it away. Kids I went to school with often threw it away even in high school.


  • Oh gosh, this reminds me, I have a cut avocado in my fridge that needs eating asap :/


  • This looks amazing


  • Handy to add to my new healthy eating plan menu


  • These look very yummy! Haven’t tried this bread before. Will be now!


  • That’s so great! Looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!


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