
  • Serves 12
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients


Ingredients (serves 12)

  • 1/4 cup Olive oil (Coban Estate)
  • 2kg Sweet potato
  • 1 teaspoon each Dried basil, Dried parsley and dried oregano
  • 2 teaspoon Garlic salt


  1. Clean and dice sweet potato into even sizes. The smaller the better. Set in a large baking tray.
  2. Mix all the other ingredients well and pour them over the sweet potato. Using your hand, coat them well.
  3. Bake under 200C for 45 minutes or until golden brown. Transfer to a large ceramic pot to keep warm if not eating them straightaway.


I love making a big batch of these and transfer to a pot to keep them warm :)

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