
  • Serves 4
  • 5 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


A good stand by meal ( especially if you have a healthy herb garden!)

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 Inghams chicken
  • 1 small Handful fresh parsley
  • 1 small handful fresh oregano
  • 1 small handful fresh thyme
  • 1 clove garlic ,crushed
  • salt and black pepper


  1. Place all ingredients in a mortar and pestle, Grind to a paste with a little olive oil
  2. Spread all over chicken , making sure to poke a generous amount under the skin. Put chicken into slow cooker
  3. Drizzle with a little olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice
  4. Cook chicken on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4-5 hours ( or until juices run clear when pierced)


I cook a full chicken for my hubby and i, we use the leftover meat in sandwiches, wraps or salads. A cheats way to do this recipe is use an already prepared herb paste.... either way .. delicious and easy ! Serve with roast vegies .. winner winner !

  • Looks and sounds lovely. Will try this, thanks for sharing!


  • I love herbs and chicken thanks so much, looks lovely!


  • The golden color of the skin looks lovely love perfectly cooked chicken that falls apart


  • This looks so golden and ready to eat


  • Looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.


  • That sounds delicious and so easy to do,I will definitely try it.Thanks for sharing.


  • A fabulous winter meal. Looks yum


  • i bet this is very very tasty with all those herbs.


  • Must try this – thanks for the recipe.


  • It looks so divine and beautiful presentation wish I had a slow cooker though


  • oh yum this looks very tasty – I love simple classic recipes and especially something that is done in the slowcooker is even better – thank you for sharing your recipe :)


  • A lovely chicken to enjoy in Spring with a salad, thanks!


  • Love anything in the slow cooker, set and forget and you still get a pot full of yum


  • A moist looking herbed chicken – tasty – hot or cold.

    • We always have on hand a good selection of herbs.


  • Roast chicken lends itself to so many flavour combinations and fresh herbs from the garden are perfect! We love our leftover chicken too – so versatile!


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