
  • Serves 3
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 3 Ingredients

This recipe goes to show just how versatile the Philips Pasta and Noodle Maker really is! Making Corn Chips from scratch sounds easy until you try and roll the dough to an even consistency! Most other methods are messy. With a little thinking outside of the box we realized this problem could be solved with the lasagna disk which comes with the machine. The dough extrudes evenly and produces a chip equivalent to the Mexican corn chips available in most super markets. Using this idea it would be possible to make a wheat based chip/cracker also. They can be made prior and stored in an air tight container. I hope you enjoy!

Ingredients (serves 3)

  • 200g Masa Harina - we use Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free
  • 180ml Hot/Warm Water
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt


  1. Prepare: Set up the Philips Pasta and Noodle Maker with the lasagna sheet disk. Have a chopping board or flat plate ready to put the sheets of dough onto after they have extruded. This way you can lay them out flat as you go. Have your sandwich press ready to cook the chips (this creates very flat chips) or set your oven to 180 degrees if you don't mind slightly wavy chips and want them cooked faster.
  2. Using the supplied flour cup measure out one cup of Masa Harina (equivalent to 200g). Place this and the salt into the drum of the Philips Pasta and Noodle Maker. Measure out 180ml of hot/warm water with the supplied liquid cup. Set the machine to 1 cup/10 minutes and let the salt and flour combine for 5-10 seconds. Add the hot/warm water as per the usual instructions.
  3. As the sheets start to extrude cut each one to your desired length - 20cm is a good guide. Lay each sheet flat on the chopping board or plate. Due to the consistency you should be able to stack the sheets without them sticking together.
  4. Once all the sheets have extruded cut them into the desired shapes. You can either cut them into rectangular strips about 3-4cm long, or cut the rectangles corner to corner to create triangles (you can also cut Union Jack lines for triangles). They must be cut before they are cooked.
  5. For oven cooking you can cut them and lay them on a baking tray or lay them on a baking tray and then cut them with a pizza cutter or knife. Once cut place into the oven and cook until they are crisp but not brown. We cook with a sandwich press so cannot give advice on how long it will take
  6. For cooking them with a sandwich press you can either cut them before with a knife or pizza cutter or if you are careful not to burn yourself you can use the pizza cutter to cut them on the press before you close the lid. You will also need an egg flip. Place one lot of chips on the press at a time, once the lid is closed they should take about 90 seconds to cook. Use the egg flip to remove the cooked chips and put the next lot on. Repeat until all the chips are cooked.
  7. Corn Chips can be stored in an air tight container but should be used within a reasonable time frame as they do not have preservatives. Serve them with nachos or on the side of chili con carne or with a dip like guacamole or humus - the possibilities are endless!


Masa Harina and Polenta are not the same thing and cannot be interchanged. Polenta makes good cakes and porridge but not corn chips. I could not find Masa Harina at Coles or Woolworths - your best bet is your local health food store like Go Vita, Green Caravan bulk co-op or Organics on a Budget online store. Cooking on a sandwich press is not just for sandwiches, we have been really happy with the way the chips come out flat and evenly cooked! Well worth the little bit of extra time - and once you get into a rhythm it goes fast! You can add a little bit of turmeric if you would like the yellow colour to be stronger

  • I think I need to buy this machine. I love corn chips!


  • Set the machine to 1 cup/10 minutes
    What does it mean by that?
    Which buttons should I use?


  • This pasta is terrific and versatile.


  • Can someone please tell me if the water to Masa Harina ratio is correct ? In the making of corn chips using the Phillips Pasta Maker. As 180ml is usually what l would use for two cups of flour. Thanks in advance. ????


  • Mmmmmm, absolutely love corn chips. Hone made would ge even better


  • I WAS EXCITED… until I read that I needed a particular appliance Oh well.


  • How awesome! THanks for sharing this!


  • Wow this machine seems to make so many different things!


  • Home-made corn chips would be amazing,thanks!


  • This machine really is very versatile. What a great idea to make corn chips.


  • These are so good. I was wondering if the 180 for baking is Celsius or farenheit


  • The pros are adding up for me to buy a pasta maker and a flat sandwich maker.


  • Wow just added another tick to the box as to why I need one of these pasta makers.

    • I do love my Philips pasta maker and can recommend it!


  • oh wow, this really is great – never thought to make them at home!


  • Thanks for sharing; very impressive!.


  • Thank you for sharing this recepie


  • Now that’s what I’d call clever thinking!


  • Wow, that is fantastic


  • Awesome !!


  • love how versatile I have seen this machine be! Oh how I wish I could afford one


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