This is a great way to use your older tomatoes that may have gone soft.
Instead of throwing them away make yummy tomato sauce. And freeze until you require it,
Ingredients (serves 10 | makes 10 )
- 15 pounds ripe tomatoes
- 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
- 2 tablespoons salt
- Make sure you pick ripe tomatoes. Add tomatoes to boiling water until skins start to come off. The remove from boiling water and put straight in to ice cold water. Then remove tomato skins.
- Bring tomato sauce to a simmer over medium heat. continue to simmer for 30 - 90 minutes, stir occasionaly, until the sauce reaches the taste and consistency that you like
- when finished cooking stir in red wine vinegar and salt. You can also freeze this product.
This is a great old recipe. My grandma used to make this when she had to may tomato's from her garden. And couldn't eat them all.
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