
  • Serves 2
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 10 Ingredients


A delicious chicken recipe that can be prepared the day before and refrigerated and assembled on the day. The tangy chicken is amazing in a summer salad. it makes a lovely share salad to go with a BBQ.

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 2 breast fillets Inghams Chicken breast
  • half a pkt pre washed mixed leaf Lettuce
  • 3 Boiled eggs
  • 2 large tomatoes chopped in quarters
  • half a large continental Cucumber sliced
  • 1 Carrot peeled and grated
  • 100gm cheddar cheese sliced thinly and broken up
  • 4 shortcut bacon rashers cut into strips cooked until crispy
  • 1 bottle masterfoods honey barbeque marinade
  • 100 ml free range egg mayo


  1. chop the chicken breasts into chunks and marinade in the Honey BBQ marinade over night is best but if you are short on time on the day is fine! Save a little to add some zing to you chicken later.
  2. cook the chicken breasts until cooked through completely and then place in the fridge. when cool stir through the remaining Honey BBQ sauce for zing!
  3. cook the bacon until crispy and set aside (refrigerate if preparing overnight)
  4. Boil the eggs and set aside to cool (refrigerate if preparing overnight)
  5. place the desired amount of lettuce in a bowl and assemble the salad with tomato , cucumber, carrot ,egg, the cooled chicken, bacon, cheese and the desired amount of mayo! enjoy

  • Ooh this looks like a perfect summer meal.


  • Need to try this.
    I’m back at work this week so need to get back on salads so I don’t put on too much weight being stuck behind a desk all day!
    Thank you for sharing.


  • I will be trying this one out for sure


  • Awesome! Will have to try this sometime soon.


  • This really would be great for a BBQ, thanks.


  • Now that’s a yummy recipe to try


  • Sounds like a caesar salad with a healthy twist


  • what an awesome sounding and looking salad – a great meal just in itself – looking forward to trying out your recipe – thank you for sharing it.


  • Sold! Honey BBQ chicken sounds and looks so good and I know it will be well loved in our hungry and happy home.


  • Honey BBQ, mmmmmm, great combo. Bit of sweet with a touch of zing. I’m sure this will be yummy


  • Yummy so really want this. Shopping list has been added to , to do so. Will have to work out if this can be done as a work lunch,

    • The ingredients for this recipe are on my weekend shopping list too.


  • A fabulous Spring recipe,love it!


  • THis looks like a delicious dish


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