
  • Serves 4
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients

33 Comment

Delicious and easy kid friendly chicken and rice recipe.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 kg chicken thigh
  • 1 cup rice
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • sprinkle of sesame seeds


  1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees.
  2. Dice up chicken thighs and place in a bowl.
  3. Add soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, crushed garlic and 1 tablespoon of water and mix.
  4. Prepare and cook rice as per instructions on packet.
  5. Heat oil in a fry pan and cook chicken in batches. Once the first batch is ready, spread out on an oven tray and sprinkle with honey and sesame seeds and place in the oven until ready to eat.
  6. Dice up cucumber.
  7. Dish up a bowl of rice, chicken and cucumber and enjoy.


This a a huge favourite with the kids and I always have to make double.

  • This looks sooooo tasty. Thanks for sharing.


  • I think I would have to make double for me 😀


  • Yum! Could not scroll past this! Definite save. Yum yum yum!


  • i love honey soy chicken yum


  • the cucumber would add lightness and refreshment to the dish


  • Adding cucumber would be a lovely way to freshen up a dish. It all looks delicious.

    • And I love the combination of these Asian style flavours!


  • This sounds so yummy. I’ve got all of these ingredients so I know what I’m cooking for tea tonight. Just hope I can do as good as job as it looks


  • The cucumber is an interesting addition


  • Looks delicious. I love this recipe and it is definitely something I would love to make.


  • Might be a nice one to make for my hub !


  • I’ll be cooking this once our new crop of cucumbers start fruiting.


  • Love the idea of fresh cucumber flavour


  • This looks rather interesting. Thank you.


  • Thank you, I absolutely love this recipe. And, I could pretty much make it tonight with most items in my pantry/fridge.


  • Looks absolute divine. Thanks for sharing.


  • Sounds like a dish my grandkids would enjoy! Thanks!


  • I did this in the slow cooker and it was delish. I just added a bit more liquid so that it didnt dry out.


  • This sounds really good. I like the idea of fresh, crisp cucumber with it – I would never have thought of that combination.


  • oh yum! I might try this on the weekend for the kids and use couscous instead of the rice with some green beans too.


  • It’s my favourite menu ever.Great for this weekend and thanks for sharing.


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