
  • Makes 16
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


A fun alternative to traditional Iced Vovos – Jelly Belly Vovos. We were sent a box of Jelly Bellys so thought it would be fun to recreate one of our childhood favourites!

Ingredients (makes 16 Jelly Belly Vovos)

  • 1 packet Arnott's Nice Biscuits (or similar)
  • 125g Butter, room temperature
  • 1.5 cups Icing Sugar
  • 1 - 2 tbs Milk
  • 8 Red, White & Blue Jelly Belly jelly beans per biscuit
  • 1/2 cup Shredded or Desiccated Coconut


  1. Place butter in a mixing bowl and beat on high for at least two minutes until butter is light yellow and forms soft peaks.
  2. With the beaters on low to medium speed, gradually stir in the icing sugar and milk (a few drops at a time). Once all icing sugar has been added add a few more drops of milk if the icing is too thick.
  3. Spread each biscuit with a 2mm thick layer of icing and then place Jelly Belly jelly beans down the centre. Finally sprinkle each side of the biscuit with coconut which should stick nicely to the icing.

  • Love this = what a cute idea. Always jelly beans or smarties/m&m’s around!


  • What a fun idea for the kiddies in lockdown! Also a good one for grandparents looking after them in the school holidays too!


  • Very clever! Love this idea


  • What a clever idea – and it doesn’t look too hard to make. Thanks for sharing.


  • Oh hust give me the jelly bellies


  • OMG, I had never considered making my own Iced Vo Vos but these are brilliant.


  • These sound delish, but a sometimes food for sure hehe


  • It seems like Vovo biscuits have been around forever. I wasn’t keen on them when I was little because I wasn’t a fan of coconut. If you could put one red, one yellow, and one green they wiuld look like traffic lights


  • Great idea for young children as a treat


  • Looks yummy! But I’d swap out jelly beans for m&ms or chocolate drops


  • Not my type of treat


  • I suppose we can get a jelly belly from this ;P


  • I.like that idea.


  • these look easy to make look good


  • So tempting. Thanks for the great recipe.


  • I LOVE these! What a great idea.


  • This takes me back. I love iced vovos for the boys. I’ve found that the ones you buy now though don’t taste anywhere near as good. Might have to give these a go.


  • What a great idea, something different to have as a snack at a children’s party.


  • OMG these are so cool. I LOVE THEM. THANKS SO MUCH Nikki.


  • Cool!!


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