
  • Serves 20
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 3 Ingredients


This Kit Kat Cake is a quick no bake, no fuss cake.  But when you put it together, it’s a fancy looking celebration cake!

We love how easy it is to pull this cake together; just grab a few packets of Kit Kats, a bag of Smarties and a big piece of ribbon and you’re ready to roll out the Kit Kat Cake.

There are so many variations you could create for this Kit Kat Cake – replace the smarties with crushed Oreo Cookies, make a Rainbows & Sprinkles theme by using pink Kit Kats and a mound of multicoloured sprinkles and glitter!

Or you might like to turn your Kit Kat Cake into a farmyard – replace the Smarties with green coloured coconut and add a bunch of tiny little farm animals (just don’t let the kids eat them)!

Above all, have fun! This cake is wonderful in so many ways – easy, quick and everyone is guaranteed at least one yummy Kit Kat finger!

Ingredients (serves 20)

  • 1 Cadbury Chocolate Ice Cream Cake (from Coles)
  • 38 Kit Kat fingers (19 twins)
  • 400 grams Smarties/Beanies


  1. Take ice cream out of packaging and place on round cake board. Be sure you have a container or box that can fit cake as you will want to put this back in the freezer when finished.
  2. Use twin kit kats or break into twins and place around cake. Tie ribbon around kit kats.
  3. Pour Smarties or Beanies on top and distribute evenly. Wah la!!!


Keep a stock of Kit Kats in the pantry - buy them when they are on special. You will need 3 packets for this Kit Kat Cake.

  • These cakes look fantastic. Ive done a few different versions using mudcakes and they always turn out great.


  • This looks so impressive and yet its super easy. Got to love that.


  • I love this idea and the different variations to decorate it. Thanks for sharing


  • What a fantastic, easy idea for those of us not so creative or short on time. This would be a big win with my kids. Might be a good option for my birthday cake this year as my eldest now thinks everyone gets fancy fun cakes for their birthday.


  • Looks simple and worth a try for the next birthday. My kids love icecream cake.


  • This looks impressive and so amazing. I would love this as my birthday cake.


  • Wowza chocolatey overload!! I love Kit Kat!


  • So simple yet so effective!


  • I miss 10 just seen this cake now I’m making it for her birthday in a few weeks


  • My kids would be happy to have this as a birthday cake.


  • I wish I had seen this earlier, it would have saved me so much time and effort in making one very similar for my bub’s first birthday!
    I never even thought about using a pre made cake!!!

    • Will just say… You’ve done an amazing job! The effort is always worth it!


  • My friend made this for a birthday celebration and it was very much enjoyed


  • This looks great!


  • You could totally make this for Xmas by just using red and green smarties or M&Ms.


  • Wow. A great celebration cake.


  • Ooh yummy, that looks very nice.


  • Looks amazing and it’s such a good idea!
    Will need to try making it.


  • Such a great fun idea that the kids would love


  • So easy and so colourful


  • Not something I would make I’m afraid but it looks colourful.


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