
  • Serves 12
  • 100 minutes
  • Difficulty Hard
  • 16 Ingredients


Once you have learnt to make this delicious cake you will never look back

Ingredients (serves 12)

  • 200g (firmly packed) brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup plain flour
  • 3/4 cup self-raising flour
  • 125g butter, chopped
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 3 eggs, lightly whisked
  • 2 1/4 cup icing sugar mixture
  • 185g butter, extra, at room temperature
  • 3/4 cup malted milk powder
  • 1 tbs milk, extra
  • 465g bag Maltesers
  • Ganache Ingredients
  • 300g dark cooking chocolate, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup thickened cream
  • 30g butter


  1. Preheat oven to 160C. Grease a 20cm round cake pan with butter. Line base and side with baking paper
  2. Place the brown sugar, milk and butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Cook in microwave on high, stirring every minute, for 4-5 minutes or until the butter melts and the mixture is smooth.
  3. Use a balloon whisk to whisk the combined flour and cocoa powder into the butter mixture. Whisk in the egg. Pour into the prepared pan. Bake for 55 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Set aside in the pan for 5 minutes to cool before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely
  4. To make the ganache, place the chocolate, cream and butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Cook in microwave on high, stirring every minute, for 2-3 minutes or until the chocolate melts and the mixture is smooth
  5. Use an electric beater to beat the extra butter in a bowl until pale and creamy. Beat in the icing sugar, malted milk powder and extra milk until fluffy. Beat in 1 1/2 tbs ganache
  6. Set the remaining ganache aside for 1 hour 30 minutes or until thick, glossy and spreadable
  7. Meanwhile, use a large serrated knife to cut the cake horizontally into four layers. Place the cake base on a platter. Spread with one-third of the icing. Continuelayering with the remaining cake and icing, finishing with cake. Cover and place in the fridge for 1 hour 30 minutes to chill.
  8. Spread the ganache evenly over the top and side of the cake. Decorate with Maltesers.

  • Love ly malteasers hltha is for sharing another way I can eat them your cake looks really nice


  • Yum looks interesting and I love malteasers thanks for sharing


  • This looks really beautiful, thank you.


  • This one is certainly a special time cake, thank you for this.


  • A very beautiful looking cake that look’s amazing,thanks!


  • oh my this is one impressive cake. thanks


  • mmmmm chocolate is always a winner!!


  • Looks very tasty but I’d need more maltesers to make up for the ones that don’t make it to the cake


  • I don’t think many malteasers would make it onto the cake if I made this one!


  • Where can I hide it so that little fingers [and big ones] don’t keep pinching the maltesers from the cake?


  • heaven but hell to my heathy foods. thinking birthday cake a good excus.


  • I have made this cake and it’s a ripper!!


  • looks great


  • Do u have a YouTube link to watch how to make this Malteser cake ??


  • Thanks for sharing this delicious looking cake; a mountain of maltesers!

    • This has become my cake to make when Maltesers are on special.


  • Anyone in my family would love this cake!


  • well now i think my diabetic boyfriend would both love and hate this… his birthday is coming up soon…. hmmm


  • love the look of this cake!


  • This is an amazing looking cake. I think perfect for a boys birthday party! Going to give this a shot when I have some time to focus on it.


  • Hmm.. This cake looks so delicious.. Yum yum


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