
  • Serves 6
  • Makes 10
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 14 Ingredients
October 24, 2019


If you like clean hands after you cook, you are going to love this NO MESS MEATBALLS recipe from the MoM team.

Proudly brought to you by the team at Ansell, whose Multi-Sensitive Gloves make clean up time a breeze.

Ingredients (serves 6 | makes 10 meatballs)

  • 1 litre Chicken Stock
  • 2 Juice of 2 lemons
  • 500g Tomato Pasta Sauce
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup White Wine
  • 500g Pork & Veal Mince
  • 1 Egg
  • 1/2 cup Finely Diced Onion
  • 1/2 cup Finely Diced Carrot
  • 1/4 cup Finely Diced Macadamia Nuts
  • 1/2 cup Fresh Breadcrumbs
  • 2 Zest of 2 lemons
  • 1/2 Cup Finely Diced Fresh Herbs
  • Paremesan and fresh herbs to garnish.


  1. Bring chicken stock, lemon juice, tomato pasta sauce, salt, pepper and white wine to a slow boil.
  2. Put on Ansell Multi-Sensitive Gloves and mix the meatballs without mess!
  3. Put the veal mince and cracked egg into a mixing bowl. Add onion, carrot macadamia nuts, breadcrumbs, zest of 2 lemons, fresh herbs
  4. Get your hands in there and mix well!
  5. Gentry drop meatballs into the pot as you roll.
  6. Cook meatballs for 20 minutes on slow boil.
  7. Throw out your gloves with an easy clean up and then once you've got clean hands, serve on mash, pasta, rice or quinoa.
  8. Add Parmesan and fresh herbs to garnish.

  • This looks like a fantastic winters meal!!


  • Tomato sauce, meatballs, spaghetti…ticks a lot of my boxes


  • Yummy looks tasty


  • A great variation on meatballs, perfect for a cold winter’s night for dinner.


  • I love this meal in the colder weather,so delicious!


  • the parmesan looks like spider webs on top when it’s melted, great dinner for Halloween.

    • the gloves are great for having mess free dinners


  • Loos so delicious. Really looking forward to these


  • I had some meatballs at a party yesterday that have left me wanting more. Keen to try these ones


  • A good way to incorporate veggies.


  • Look and sound delicious!


  • No mess is always a winner!


  • looks really yum! i will try to morrow as i have a mince thawing right now. im salivating at this odd hour looking at these pictures


  • Looks so TASTY and love the added vegetables


  • I love the addition of chopped macadamia nuts and the freshness of the lemon zest and herbs.


  • Great recipe idea to try with our toddler!


  • I am going to try these, I think the pork and veal mince would give them a lovely flavour, I have never added macadamia nuts to meatballs before, what a great idea! Thank you for sharing this recipe, I am going to try it out!


  • I like pork and veal mince- make them more delicate.


  • I am unsure about Veal… however the fact in has macadamias in it is a winner.


  • I use Ansell gloves whenever I cook anything messy. Makes it much easier when you need to go from prepping food to holding a child in a hurry.


  • Looks wonderful and so easy, the family will love this so thanks.


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