
  • Serves 6
  • 2 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 12 Ingredients


This Mexican Baked Chicken, proudly brought to you by Ingham’s Chicken, will spice up any occasion – family dinner or a crowd!

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 1 x 1.5kg Ingham's Whole Fresh Chicken
  • 3 - 4 Limes
  • 2 Red Onions
  • 3 Fresh Jalapeno Peppers (or Green Capsicum)
  • 3 Fresh Red Chilli Peppers (or Red Capsicum)
  • 6 Corn Cobbettes
  • 2 Carrots, thickly sliced
  • 400g Tin Red Kidney Beans or Black Beans
  • 1 tbsp Mexican Seasoning
  • 1 tbsp Good Quality Butter
  • 1/2 cup Olive Oil
  • 1 tsp Salt & Pepper


  1. Dry the chicken with paper towel, rub with 1 tbsp butter, a little olive oil, salt and sprinkle with Mexican Seasoning.
  2. Place into a hot oven for 30 – 40 minutes (180 degrees fan forced).
  3. Blacken corn cobettes in a hot frypan with 1 tbsp butter and a drizzle of olive oil then set aside.
  4. Remove chicken from oven and place the corn cobettes, carrots, chillis and lime segments around the chicken. Place back into the oven and reduce heat to 170 degrees fan forced.
  5. Cook for a further 40 – 60 minutes depending on the size of the chicken.
  6. When the chicken juices run clear, remove from oven and set the chicken onto a serving platter.
  7. Stir the red kidney beans through the roast vegetable mixture and squeeze through the juice of a lime.
  8. Place the vegetables and beans around the chicken to serve and sprinkle with fresh coriander and a little more Mexican seasoning.
  9. Serve with corn chips, Mexican wraps and sour cream.

  • Sounds like something my daughter would love.


  • Interesting, haven’t had a Mexican type chicken before. would love to try this, yum!


  • This looks nice, would love to try, thankyou


  • What a great way to change up a roast chicken.


  • With only 2 of us eating meat, I most likely won’t this as it’s far too much. But might be a nice dish when guest come over for a meal.


  • This looks like it would be full of flavor.


  • The caramelisation on this chhok looks mouth watering I really enjoy Mexican flavours


  • oh I love the addition of the substitutes, while I love mexican and spices, my kids not so much! – sounds like a wonderfully tasty recipe – thank you for sharing


  • Love mexican. Looks amazing. Will definitely be giving this recipe ago


  • Wow! This looks and sounds amazing – all my favourite flavours too!


  • I will definitely be giving this delicious recipe a go,your chicken look’s fantastic!


  • It looks so tasty. Beautiful colour too!!


  • Perfect for Sunday roast looks divine


  • It does look very delicious, perfect for a family feast Yum Yum!


  • Thanks so much Nikki – this Mexican baked chicken looks so delicious! I will be liberal with the seasoning too as I love strong flavours. Thanks for this Mexican chicken dish. :)

    • Excellent step by step video too – thank you! :)


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