
  • Serves 35
  • Makes 35 biscuits
  • 50 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients


A really easy biscuit recipe with minimal ingredients but loads of flavour!

Ingredients (serves 35 | makes 35 biscuits )

  • 200g castor sugar
  • 275g plain flour
  • 230g softened butter
  • 1 tsp mixed spice


  1. Put the butter in a bowl and blend till light and fluffy then add the flour and mix till it forms a dough preheat oven to 180 degrees
  2. Using your hands roll the mixture into balls the size of a walnut and place then on a lined flat tray making sure you space them two centimetres apart you might need another tray also use a fork to slightly flatten the biscuit dough
  3. Now place your trays in a hot oven and bake for 10 to 15 minutes or untill golden brown let them cool on tray for 5 minutes then place biscuits on a rack to cool further
  4. Enjoy them as they are or add some icing!

  • When do you add the sugar and spice?


  • Yummy way to spice up your life.


  • How quick and easy! Can’t wait to try these and experiment with different spices.


  • Definitely minimal ingredients. I’m pretty sure the spice brings all the flavour. Perfect accompaniment to an afternoon cuppa


  • Minimal ingredients nients and quick I like this thanks I would like to try making this recipe


  • Sounds like a lovely biscuit to dip in a hot cup of tea for morning or afternoon tea


  • A lovely, simple recipe and great to share.


  • Would be nice with a cuppa thanks!


  • Thanks for the recipe. I like that it is so easy.


  • I’ll be trying these as an alternative to what hubby can presently have – with some minor alterations of course.


  • Looks interesting and simple, love the idea with the spices!


  • They are are delicious with cinnamon or powdered ginger. Bought Ginger Biscuits are usually quite hard


  • These look delicious and simple to make thanks for sharing


  • A simple recipe that will make me appear competent :)
    Thank you


  • I like simple recipes. Thank you.


  • These sound interesting, and I bet they smell so good when they are cooking! Spices always smell so good!


  • Just 4 ingredients! There must have been a wonderful smell in your kitchen. :-)

    • Love 4 ingredients recipes too for so many reasons; easy to prepare and make and easy on the budget too! :)


  • Thanks so much for the recipe – love festive biscuits and love mixed spice in biscuits – the smell of Christmas.


  • oh yum! Can’t wait to taste these ones!


  • Thank you very much for this recipe. This seems to be an ideal one for Christmas.


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