
  • Serves 6
  • 5 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients


this recipe can be changed and tailored to your needs but the taste is amazing

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 6 Lamb chops
  • 2 table spoons tomato sauce
  • 2 table spoons relish if no relish add an extra 3 table spoonbs of tomato sauce to compensate
  • 1 table spoon white vinegar
  • 2 table spoons Worcester sauce
  • 2 table spoons Fountains spicy red sauce
  • plain flour
  • brown sugar
  • assorted vegies optional


  1. grab 6 lamb bbq chops and dust with flour mixed with brown sugar. brown slightly and chuck in slow cooker
  2. mix ther ingredients all together and pour over chops
  3. cook on low for 5 hrs or whatever :) i guess it depends on the size of the chops i put mine on at 11.30am and had to turn it off for an hr coz when the meat falls off the bone its cooked :)
  4. this is just a basic recipe but it works :) add or subtract whatever you like :) i think it would have gone most awesome on steak :) and its the first time i have ever wanted to put the sauce over my mashed spuds :)

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