
  • Serves 8
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients


A quick and easy dessert to please a crowd.

Ingredients (serves 8)

  • 250g Marie Biscuits
  • 100g Unsalted Butter (melted)
  • 1 cup Desicated Coconut
  • 250g Cream Cheese
  • 2 cups Greek Yoghourt
  • 2 tbs Cacao
  • 500g Frozen Pitted Cherries
  • 1 row Shaved Dark Chocolate


  1. BISCUIT BASE: Use a blender or food processor to break biscuits into a fine crumb. Alternatively you can place them in a plastic bag and break with a rolling pin. Add butter and 1/2 cup of coconut and mix well. Distribute mixture between 8 serving glasses.
  2. FILLING: Use a mixer with a beater attachment on low-medium speed to soften cream cheese. Add yoghurt, remaining coconut and cacao. Beat on medium-high until well mixed and lumps are removed. Fold in cherries.
  3. PRESENTATION: Distribute the filling between the 8 glasses and top with shaved dark chocolate to garnish


I used the sugar free Maria biscuits from Aldi, the sweetness of the yoghurt removes the need to add sugar to the filling. This recipe is very adaptable, you could use gluten free biscuits, remove the butter from the crumb, add different fruits, use canned or fresh cherries. By removing the cream and added sugar this is a much healthier dessert option without sacrificing flavour. If you wanted to use this recipe to make a cheesecake or cheesecake slice I would recommend adding approximately three teaspoons of gelatine dissolved in hot water and cooled prior to combining it with the filling.

  • I thought this was going to be a way to use up the cherry ripes I have in the fridge


  • Sounds delicious. Sign me up


  • What a great dinner party dessert idea


  • My husband would have loved these tasty morsels. Not sure I would make it for myself though and rarely entertain anymore. Sounds delicious and thanks so much for sharing,


  • This sounds delicious. Will have to give this a try


  • Lovely recipe. Thanks for sharing. Cherries, chocolate and cheesecake is a delicious combination.


  • I like this easy recipe. Perfect to serve guests when special occasions.


  • Yum! Add a shot of Bailey’s- bliss!


  • Ooh yum. These look fantastic and so impressive. A great dessert for when we’re allowed to have friends over.


  • Love it.and presentation is just amazing


  • I love No Bake recipes and these No Bake Cherry Ripe Cheesecakes look absolutely delicious.


  • Oh my, this just truly looks heavenly.


  • This sounds divine and yet appears so easy to make. I would probably put some cherry ripe chocolate on top.


  • I would do this without the cherries or with the cherries on the side


  • Too fabulously simple, and love the Cherry Ripe flavour.


  • Oh my goodness this sounds amazing!
    Will it work without the coconut as I’m not the biggest fan?


  • I was thinking how healthy and yum this looks! I wonder if it would work either a different fruit? Like blueberry?


  • I love how simple and adaptable the recipe is. It is a great alternative to serving your friends Magnums for dessert all the time. Now I’m not saying I do that ALL the time. LOL.


  • Great for after tea with guests over!


  • thanks for sharing


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