
  • Serves 6
  • Makes 6 big bowlfuls
  • 8 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients


On a cold day, nothing beats a warm meal. Give this slow cooked pea and ham soup a try this winter season!

With plenty of protein and veggies inside it, this pea and ham soup is bound to be one the kids enjoy, as well as being super nutritious!

Got leftovers? Chuck it in a container and refrigerate for later! (hint: heat it up and put it in a thermos, makes an excellent on-the-go meal or lunchbox filler!)

Serve this with your choice of breads, rice, or whatever else you feel might spice up the meal!

Looking for a good base for the soup? Give this chicken stock a try!

Ingredients (serves 6 | makes 6 big bowlfuls )

  • 1 Ham hock
  • 1 litre Chicken stock
  • 1 Carrot, chopped
  • 1 stick Of celery, chopped
  • 1 Onion, chopped
  • 1 packet Green split peas
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 small Potatos, peeled and chopped into chunks


  1. Soak split peas in water overnight per packet directions
  2. Place ham hock and stock in slow cooker. Turn cooker on. Peel and chop potatoes and add to slow cooker
  3. Fry off onion, carrot and celery til soft. Add to slow cooker
  4. Add split peas to pan. Place lid on and cook on low for 8 hours
  5. Remove ham hock from slow cooker. Blend remaining ingredients til smooth (to your liking) Remove and chop ham from hock, return to soup

  • This is awesome. I love soups.


  • I’ve never actually had ham and pea soup but this looks delicious


  • I’ll have to wait until I’ve had my baby to try this one with ham in it


  • What a tasty winter recipe


  • Yum! The Christmas ham hock goes into the fridge every year!


  • Yum, I haven’t had pea and ham soup in years.


  • I love pea and ham soup but never tried it using a slow cooker before. Thanks for giving me another way to make this soup.


  • I love pea and ham soup. Thanks for a good recipe.


  • Love my ham and pea soup. Made with some many variations. This recipe has a lot of vegetables added.


  • So easy to do, but I’ve never used a slow cooker for it before. Is 8 hours enough?
    Thanks for sharing.


  • Now we’re into Autumn the days are starting to get a little cooler. Time to get my slow cooker out and start with the soup. I’m looking forward to this one.


  • Absolutely love ham hock in a soup, I think this would make a family favourite.


  • Pea and ham soup is one of my faves next to chicken and corn.
    Have never done a soup in a slow cooker though! I can’t wait for winter as it’s perfect soup weather.


  • I’m not really a fan of this soup but I might make for my fiancé


  • This sounds delicious and very simple to make in the slow cooker. I think I’ll have to cook my pea & ham soup this way in future. Thank you


  • This is one soup I have not tried in the slow cooker but absolutely look forward to it.


  • Thank you for sharing . Perfect for winter


  • Yum love a ham hock, I’d give it a go.


  • Looks lovely, thank you for sharing.


  • Sounds really good. This may have to be the last soup I make for this cold season. Can’t wait to try out the recipe.


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