
  • Serves 8
  • 90 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 10 Ingredients


This recipe made me go aahhhh! This was absolutely wonderful first out of the oven, not as good the next day. So it is definitely a recipe to make and plan to eat at the same time. If you are a piglet you could probably eat it all, though I would recommend sharing it with friends!

Ingredients (serves 8)

  • 200 grams Plain Flour
  • 2 Tablespoon Icing Sugar
  • 60ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 - 2 Tablespoons Water
  • 825 grams Tinned Peaches
  • 2 cups Almond Meal
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
  • 3 Tablespoons Almond Milk
  • Handful Flaked Almonds


  1. In a bowl combine sifted flour, salt, cinnamon and icing sugar. Add olive oil. (I always use a food processor for pastry - some people prefer using their hands. Whatever takes your fancy). Combine. Add water one tablespoon at a time until combines to become a dough (you might need a little less or a little more water - add gradually). Combine into a dough, but does not need kneading.
  2. Form into a ball, roughly flatten this. Wrap in cling wrap and chill in fridge for about an hour.
  3. Once pastry has chilled, set the oven to 160 degrees celsius in a fan-forced oven (180 degrees celsius in a normal oven).
  4. In mixing bowl combine the almond meal, sugar and cinnamon to create the almond filling.
  5. Take the chilled pastry out of fridge and roll into a circle roughly 30cm in diameter.
  6. Put almond filling in the middle of the dough leaving about a 3cm margin all around. Drizzle almond milk over the filling to moisten it. Arrange peach slices on top an make sure there are no gaps in between the slices.
  7. Fold the pastry around the fruit in a rustic fashion. Using a pastry brush, add the peach juice to the fruit to ensure lovely and moist. Scatter the almonds over the peaches.
  8. Cover the galette with foil and bake for about 45 minutes. Then remove the foil from the top and allow the pastry to brown. Cook for a further 15 minutes. Remove and serve

  • This looks so beautiful….very enticing


  • Thanks for sharing this recipe looks really nice


  • Thanks for the recipe. Looks so good.


  • The galette looks very impressive …would be a hit a dinner party. thanks.

    • oopps . at a dinner party. sorry.


  • Sounds lovely and prefect for afternoon tea.


  • Yum. Almond meal brings an absolutely beautiful flavour to any sweet.


  • sounds delicious and looks very pretty too. cheers :-)


  • Yum, this looks smashing!! Thanks for sharing!!


  • Erm, piglet here. I don’t know that I would share this with anyone it looks lovely.

    • A fellow piglet!!!! Lovely to hear and nice to meet you – LOL!!!!


  • Sounds Devine!!! Peaches are always a lovely dessert option.

    • I love all stone fruit – peaches on this were just perfect.


  • ooh how yummy do these look? Mmmm…


  • very impressive, looks fab!


  • This is the perfect combination of flavours.

    • They are great – perfect comfort food – like grandma used to make!


  • A lovely looking sweet galette – I will make it for a treat for someone special.


  • Beautiful looking galette – pity it wasn’t as good the next day. Will have to wait till I know friends will be here before I make it.


  • Oh my, I can’t imagine any of this being left for the next day. What a delicious dessert.


  • This looks lovely and perfect to share; thanks!.


  • I love almonds! This galette must be delicious!!


  • yeh this serves eight so i think we will deal with leftovers. this sounds really good though and it looks so pretty!

    • Leftovers are always good – I sometimes think I survive on leftovers!

      • cheers Lara! i am loving all these recipes that you have been sharing with us!


  • The galette looks fantastic and l do love peaches and almonds! Thanks.

    • It is a great recipe and quite easy too. Looks like you are a gourmet chef when you serve it up!


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