
  • Serves 5
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 10 Ingredients


This quick Penne Pasta Bake is an all time favourite in our house! The flavours are delicious and the melted cheese has everyone coming back for more!

Penne pasta is a cylinder shaped pasta – between 4 – 6cm long with each end cut diagonally.  Penne is the plural form of the Italian word penna (meaning feather but pen as well).  When penne pasta was first created, it was apparently intended to look like a fountain pen (which was a very desirable type of writing implement at the time).  Well well … who knew?!

Penne Pasta is such an awesome type of pasta for a few reasons:

  • It settles into a bowl beautifully – making a big meal that feeds everyone easily.
  • It collects the flavours of the sauces inside and out – making every mouthful a flavour burst.
  • It cooks relatively quickly
  • Penne Pasta is perfect for toddlers too – easy to pick up and easy to eat (no long pieces of spaghetti getting stuck in their throat)!

A pasta bake is a super easy way to satisfy a crowd too – and you can relax with everyone while it’s baking away in the oven.

If you’re a Pasta Bake fan, whether it’s a penne pasta bake or another type of pasta, you might like to check out some of these other recipes:


Ingredients (serves 5)

  • 400g Cooked Roast chicken shredded
  • 200g Grated Cheese
  • 200g Chopped Mushrooms
  • 2tbl butter
  • 2tbl plain flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • dash pepper
  • 250ml Milk
  • 400g Bow pasta
  • handful basil for top


  1. Bechemal Sauce Melt the butter in a small, heavy saucepan over low heat. Whisk the flour into the melted butter. Add the salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cook over low heat, stirring, for at least 2 minutes to minimize "flour" taste. Slowly add 1 cup of milk, stirring constantly. Continue cooking slowly until smooth and thickened.
  2. Boil water and add pasta bows then once cooked strain
  3. In an ovenproof dish: layer pasta, mushrooms,chicken, cheese, sauce, and sprinkle cheese ontop. Bake in oven for 20mins 180 degrees C Top with fresh basil Enjoy

  • This could become a family favourite. Thanks for sharing.


  • Yum….this would be loved in my house


  • Sounds yum, love an easy dinner option.


  • Love a quick pasta bake!


  • Yum! This has me salivating!


  • My kids all love pasta bakes so Im always looking for new ones to try. Thank you :)


  • I love a pasta bake – perfect for getting rid of leftovers!


  • Pasta dinners are the best. So many delish variations, I just never tire of them


  • Your pasta looks so good,a favourite to eat! Thanks!


  • I love a pasta bake. It would be nice with the chicken in it.


  • Yummm! This sounds so delicious!!!
    I don’t make very many pastas that have chicken as a protein, it’s usually mince or bacon so this will be nice and different. Thanks so much for sharing. Will definitely be trying this out.


  • Yummy, this looks super easy. Ill be adding it to my weekly meals.


  • Yummy I always wanted to know how they make it so creamy i have made something like this but with cream only


  • Mmmm pasta bake


  • I like a quick recipe for dinner


  • Great idea for dinner. Thank you for sharing


  • We love penne and I am always on the look out for different recipes to try – thank you.


  • Sounds good! A delicious bake for a cold winter’s night.


  • A brilliant recipe idea and looks so tasty.


  • Next time there is leftover roast chicken definitely making this.


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