
  • Serves 3
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


Have you ever tried pasta with avocado? You should! It tastes very good!

Ingredients (serves 3)

  • 300 g gluten-free penne
  • rock salt
  • 1/2 lemon
  • olive oil
  • 1 avocado
  • 150 g marinated artichokes
  • 1 punnet medley tomatoes (or 300 g grape and/or cherry tomatoes)


  1. Bring a pan of water with rock salt added to boil. Cook the pasta for around 14 minutes or according to instructions.
  2. In a big bowl use a fork to mash the avocado flesh. Mix with some salt, the juice of half lemon and a splash of olive oil.
  3. Cut the tomatoes in half and add to the bowl together with the artichokes. (If the artichokes are too big, cut them in smaller pieces)
  4. Drain the pasta, mix everything together and serve.


Use your favorite type of pasta, gluten-free or not.

  • yum…..sounds awesome and really good as avo’s are only a $`1 each at the moment


  • Love this recipe as I never thought to add artichoke and it is beautiful you can’t taste it a lot and that’s good for the grandkids.


  • i have never tried avo with pasta so i have to try it


  • This looks very tasty


  • I often make this but don’t include the artichokes.


  • I love avocado with anything. It’s my go-to that is used on toast, bread, crackers, in pastas, in salads, you name it. We’ve never tried artichokes, so I might replace this, but otherwise love any new additions to my pasta repertoire.


  • OMG Thank you so MUCH!!!!

    I have so many Avocados that need to be used and I saw this Brilliant gonna try this soon!!!
    Might throw in some Italian sausage or some roast chicken .

    This would be nice hot or cold I think


  • I wouldn’t have thought to put avocado and artichoke together but now I want to give it a go!


  • Avocado and artischokes are such good combi, I like to eat it just on it’s own without pasta but with some pine nuts, pistachio’s dukkah or cashews.


  • Avocado and artichoke sound divine, this looks good!


  • This looks so delicious and easy


  • Thank you for sharing!!!


  • I love almost anything with avocado in it


  • Yay something for me to try! Looks yummy, thanks for sharing!


  • avocado is such a versatile ingredient


  • Thanks! Success to everybody that is going to try this recipe. I hope you will all enjoy it! :-)


  • Penne is my favourite type of pasta and always keep a couple of packs in the cupboard. I find them versatile and quick to make while long pastas such as the good old spaghetti can be far too awkward to make especially the very long strands that can get over the pot . I love avocados so will try this as always trying to find easy sauces besides tomato .


  • Very quick and delicious! I will turn into Michelen chef soon with all these recipes!


  • Looks like a quick and tasty dish for a busy weeknight. Thanks.


  • Thank you very much!! :-)

    • Pleasure – I do love all of your recipes – thanks for all of them during 2015! :)


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