
  • Serves 6
  • Makes 15
  • 25 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 3 Ingredients


Pepita Seed Munchie Bars are so addictive, healthy and the perfect snack for pumpkin seed lovers!

Pepita seeds are actually a pumpkin seed, but known in North America as a Pepita. The pepita seed is the edible seed of a pumpkin or certain other cultivars of squash. The seeds are typically flat and asymmetrically oval, has a white outer husk, and is light green in color after the husk is removed.

Pepita Seeds are a wonderfully healthy snack on their own but they are even more delicious when whipped up into munchie bars that are perfect for snacks, lunchboxes and even with a cuppa. Everyone, young and old, love these Munchie Bars made with Pepita Seeds – and once you get the hang of them, you can start to mix them up a little with some extra ingredients like nuts or cranberries.

Keep a stock of these Munchie Bars with Pepita Seeds in the pantry – that way you’ll reach for these instead of something naughty.

Ingredients (serves 6 | makes 15 bites)

  • 250g Pumpkin Seeds
  • 2 tbsp Chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp Rice malt syrup


  1. Line a small 20x20cm cake tin dish with baking paper. Preheat oven to 160 Degrees Celsius.
  2. Dry roast the pumpkin seeds (place them on a lined baking tray under the grill for a few minutes until they're golden and have started to puff up. This won't take long!). Don't allow these to cool.
  3. Place the hot pumpkin seeds into a bowl with the chia seeds and rice malt syrup. Mix to combine.
  4. Place mixture into lined tin and bake for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Once cool, cut into bite size pieces and store in an airtight container.


Add a handful of dry fruit or nuts for an extra twist (cranberries, dry apricots, cashews, walnuts, sunflower seeds - the list is endless!). You may need to add another 1/2tbsp of rice malt syrup if you add additional ingredients.

  • A great alternative to chocolate bars!!!


  • They look so healthy and so delicious!


  • wow so easy – I need to get more of this into my diet so perfect timing.


  • I would check that the mixture doesn’t over cook or it might be hard to bite when it is cold like other slices are


  • so quick and easy! I’d make some with oats and other nuts too. very easy to change them up :)


  • Seems like a healthy snack idea. Love the idea of adding any fruit or nuts and seeds you have on hand.


  • I will make a double batch I think. That way I’ll have it on hand for a number of days. So healthy


  • Muchie bars is a good name for your recipe.
    A yummy looking snack food for hungry tummies.
    Thank you!


  • These are great, I’m bookmarking this recipe for sure thanks!


  • These sound good and look crazy delicious thanks !!


  • Yum ! I would probably use coconut palm syrup or yacon syrup instead of rice malt syrup


  • These look so good. I buy a similar product and its quiet expensive so I will give these a go


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