
  • Serves 10
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 18 Ingredients


Ingredients (serves 10)

  • 2 cups wholemeal spelt flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp soda carbonate
  • 1tbsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup raw caster sugar
  • 150g purple carrots, peeled and grated
  • 150g orange carrots, peeled and grated
  • 40g walnuts, chopped
  • 1/2 cup rice bran oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 500g pineapple, cut into 1cm pieces
  • 5 madjool dates
  • 200g cream cheese
  • 1 tbs milk
  • 8 walnuts, halves
  • 2 tbs shredded coconut


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 C and lightly grease the ring or bundt tin with oil or butter. Sift flour, baking powder, bicarbonate soda, ground cinnamon and salt into a medium size bowl, then stir through raw caster sugar, carrots and chopped walnuts.
  2. Blend together oil, eggs and vanilla in a food processor. Add half of the cut pineapple and blitz a few times. Add the remaining pineapple pieces and stir into the flour mixture gently until just combined.
  3. Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 50 minutes or until an inserted skewers comes out clean. Cool on a wire take.
  4. To make the icing, roughly chop 4 dates and blend with cream cheese and milk until smooth. Spread on cooled cake and top with remaining thinly sliced dates, walnut halves and coconut.

  • What a lovely recipe – thanks for sharing


  • Sounds like an interesting combination to make and eat.


  • I make a slightly different variation but this looks really yummy!


  • pineapple goodness, yummo this cake sounds good


  • Alot of ingredients, but it looks fantastic.


  • Wow! What a special recipe! Thanks so much for sharing! :D


  • Now this is a unique cake indeed! Something to try when I get a bit more experienced with cooking. Thanks for sharing!


  • Seriously, I’m crushing on the bundt tin. Love the sound of this cake too, bet it tastes lovely.


  • love the sound of this cake – nice and moist. I am a huge carrot cake fan. Never thought to make it in a ring tin. Looks superb


  • oh wow what a interesting choice of ingredients, I love that it uses purple carrots – how unique – can’t wait to give this one a try – thank you for sharing


  • A beautiful flavour combination; thanks for sharing this recipe!.


  • Pineapple and carrot ! I would never have thought of putting them together! Nice.


  • This is absolutely divine. Love it!


  • Perfect pineapple recipe!


  • pinapple cut cake


  • Yummy. This is so summery.


  • I’m searching for pineapple cake recipes for a friend’s birthday and this looks perfect thanks!


  • Brilliant! Thanks for sharing this recipe! Very nice!


  • This looks very inviting Thankyou


  • looks sumptuous !!


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