
  • Serves 2
  • Makes 4-6 fritters
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


This is a great recipe for anytime of the day. It has lots of hidden veggies so it is great for you too! Corn fritters are also a great lunchbox idea and this corn fritters recipe is easy to follow. Only seven ingredients and enough for two people! If you want to make four serves just double the ingredients and you’re done! Who doesn’t want a delicious and cheap recipe?

Corn fritters are really popular because they are tasty and healthy. You can have them for breakfast or lunch, even as a snack! If your kids don’t like vegetables this might be a good idea to hide some veggies into a delicious recipe. Make sure to cut them in tiny pieces so they don’t notice them and they only focus on the corn. Feel free to change it up and customise the recipe so it fits to your needs.

You can use fresh, frozen or canned corn, it depends on your preference! Canned or frozen corn will certainly save you a lot of time so make sure you have a lot of free time if you go with the fresh option. Cutting the corn can be time consuming and make a mess in the kitchen so we want you to be aware of that.

Make sure you don’t use a lot of oil when frying them, so the outside can be crispy and the inside can be soft. Allow at least 20 minutes for the whole recipe and play around with the size of the corn fritters until you find one that you like.

If you are looking for chopped chives don’t forget to stop by at Woolworths! You can serve the corn fritters with mixed leaves or some salad to make it a completely healthy meal. If you want some extra taste, tomato relish is your best bet! Yoghurt is also a great alternative.


Ingredients (serves 2 | makes 4-6 fritters )

  • 3/4 cup PomPom Cauliflower Flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/3 cup Milk
  • 1 tablespoon Chopped chives
  • Sea salt and cracked black pepper
  • 2 cobs corn, cooked and kernels removed


  1. Place flour and baking flour in a bowl and stir to combine. Make a well in the centre
  2. Whisk the eggs and milk together in a small jug. Add the chives and season with salt and pepper
  3. Stir into the flour mixture, add the corn kernels and stir to combine
  4. Heat a medium non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Lightly grease with oil or butter
  5. Cook 2 tablespoons of mixture in batches, for 2 minutes each side or until cooked through and golden.

  • Nice recipe ! My kids prefer their fritters warm, which doesn’t make them as suitable as lunchbox food


  • I haven’t come across cauliflower flour before but sounds lovely.


  • Im not sure what Pom Pom Cauliflour Flour is. Will keep an eye out for it.


  • Never heard of cauliflower flour but this recipe looks yum so I might have to find some :)


  • Huge fan of fritters and corn l haven’t tried! Thanks!


  • Corn fritters are yummy and love the recipe delicious


  • What is pompon cauliflower flour?


  • What is Pom Pom flour – sounds fun!


  • Yum, I love corn fritters. And it’s true, super easy to hide some extra veggies in these for the kids. Perfect for lunchboxes!


  • I like the corn in the fritters,must try! Thanks!


  • this sounds good and different. Must try this recipe thanks for sharing


  • I hate getting the kernels off corn.


  • Yummm


  • these looks so good – apart from the asparagus – cannot wait to make these – thank you for the recipe


  • Why are they called Pom poms. Love the idea


  • These fritters so sound tasty and perfect for brunch!


  • Love the idea of these fritters, will have to double up for a snack here served with other things.


  • Love the presentation of your food, amazing.


  • Very good. I need to check where I can buy the cauliflower flour though. I saw the cauliflower rice but not the flour.


  • This is a much simpler recipe than the one I have for these fritters. Thanks for sharing


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