
  • Serves 4
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients


This easy, yet deliciously creamy, Potato and Egg Salad is a guaranteed crowd pleaser for your Christmas get togethers.

Whether you serve this as a side dish or as a light main, your guests will be going back for seconds in no time!

Made with Paul Newman’s Own creamy Ranch Salad Dressing, we couldn’t think of a more indulgent way to enjoy salad.

Paul Newman’s Own makes great tasting products using high quality ingredients. Sporting new look packaging, Paul Newman’s Own products are manufactured in Australia, and 2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the product being sold in Australia.

Paul Newmans Own Salad Dressings

What we love about Paul Newman’s Own is that they make Radically Good Food and Do Radically Good by giving away 100% of their Profits.

The Newman’s Own Foundation nourishes and transforms the lives of children who face adversity, with 100% of Profits used to Help Kids. This year they are helping Aussie kids who face serious illness experience the fun and freedom of camp.

You can purchase Paul Newman’s Own at WoolworthsColes and selected independent retailers.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 500g Baby Potatoes, steamed and halved
  • 12 Eggs, steamed and halved
  • 250g Paul Newman's Own Ranch Salad Dressing
  • 3 Celery Sticks, chopped
  • 1 Large Red Onion, sliced
  • 220g Kalamata Olives, sliced
  • 200g Baby Rocket
  • 1/4 cup Edamame
  • Small bunch Dill and Parsley, chopped


  1. Start by steaming the baby potatoes and eggs until they are fully cooked. Allow them to cool.
  2. Once cooled, halve both the potatoes and eggs.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, combine the halved potatoes and eggs.
  4. Add the chopped celery sticks, sliced red onion, and Kalamata olives to the bowl. Add the baby rocket and edamame to the salad mixture and gently mix them in.
  5. Sprinkle the chopped dill and parsley over the top for added flavour and freshness.
  6. Pour the ranch salad dressing over the mixture. Adjust the amount according to your preference for creaminess.
  7. Gently toss all the ingredients together until they are well coated with the dressing.
  8. Your Potato and Egg Ranch Salad is ready to be served. You can enjoy it as a side dish or a light and delicious main course.

  • Your recipe sounds delicious. Would be a great one to take to a bbq too.


  • Egg and potato’s are my weakness


  • Yumm this looks so delicious thank you


  • i always love to have verity of salads specially at work. this is colourful and looks delicious


  • This looks incredible – definitely added to my to make list !


  • Made this tonight with some lamb cutlets. Was absolutely delicious!


  • Oh yes please. I love this.


  • Not a fan of the olives, red onion or celery :(


  • This salad would go great with the BBQ we are having this week. Might look at making it.


  • Yummo. I think I would do this is a side for mid dinner meals with some BBQ meat.


  • Potato’s are my favourite, quick and easy dinner idea for myself yum thanks for sharing


  • Yum!! Love all these ingredients and i have the ranch. I’ll have to give this a go


  • I’m just wondering. Is it bad to put the dressing on when the potato’s are hot or do you definitely have to wait till it’s cool?


  • This sounds nice, minus the dressing for me.


  • looks like a nice spin on a potato salad. love ranch dressing on so many things and its amazing on potatoes.


  • Yum! Definitely trying this out thank you!


  • I make this recipe all the time, its a family favourite


  • this looks soo yumm healthy and delicious looking forward to giving this a try


  • Yum this looks so good! I’ve recently returned to work and always keen to find new things for work lunches.


  • I’ll have to try this, always looking for a side salad that’s a bit more hearty and filling


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