
  • Serves 4
  • 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 5 Ingredients

A really nice pasta dish to have with your favourite sauce. Should melt in your mouth, I made this for 2 large eaters and had lunch the next day could do 2 adults and 2 kids easy.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 4 medium to large potatoes
  • 1 large egg yolk
  • Pinch salt and pepper
  • To taste parmesan
  • 1 cup flour


  1. Peel your Potato's cut into smallish cubes and boil them in a saucepan.
  2. Once just boiled, drain and let them cool for 10 minutes and mash lightly.
  3. Once cool add your whisked egg yolk (doesn’t matter if a little white gets in), add salt, pepper, parmesan and 1 cup of flour start to mix with a wooden spoon lightly.
  4. Add extra flour as you feel shouldn’t be too dry or too sticky.
  5. Once all mixed through lightly need on bench with flour beneath so it doesn’t stick.
  6. Cut your dough into six bits.
  7. Put a saucepan on boil with water ¾ full, salt your water.
  8. Roll with your hands into long sausage like rolls, cut your gnocchi size bits not too big, put aside and continue the same process until all six dough bits are done.
  9. Then lightly fork your gnocchi and once done put to boil.
  10. Once they come to boil no more than 5 mins they are done test one it shouldn’t taste too floury.
  11. Enjoy with your favourite sauce!!!

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