
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 2 to 4 Jars depending on size
  • 2 hours
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 5 Ingredients

29 Comment

After reading a hundred different preserving recipes I made my own. I realised you can add or change amounts to suit your own taste. Less vinegar works just as well or if you want another flavour from a herb just add it to the water. It can get messy but after growing about 3 square meters of beetroot I have 10 jars made and they have a much nicer taste than soft shop bought ones.

Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 2 to 4 Jars depending on size )

  • 1 dozen Beetroot
  • 2L Water or enough to cover beetroot in a pot
  • 2 cups White Vinegar
  • 2T Brown Sugar
  • 4 Jars. I use old olive jars with pop center lids.


  1. Cut off beetroot stem leaving about 2 inches. Place them in a pot, cover with water and simmer till slightly soft but still slightly firm. Test by inserting a skewer. Remove beetroot from pot and place into a bowl and save the water. Allow beetroot to cool and remove the top and base and skin them which is quite easy with the hands it just rubs away. Discard skins etc. You can slice the beetroot or leave whole depending on size.
  2. Into another pot place about 6 cups of the saved beetroot water, vinegar and brown sugar. Simmer till sugar has dissolved. Place the jars and lids face down on a baking paper covered tray in the oven at 150 degrees for about 15 minutes. Remove from oven and turn right way up. Fill the jars with the beetroot slices being careful not to burn yourself. Pour beetroot water mix over beetroot to the top and place lids on tight.
  3. Set jars aside in a safe place to cool. The pop bit in jar lids will pull down as they get cool. I like to keep them in the cupboard for a few weeks minimum to infuse the vinegar flavour before eating.

  • I don’t grow any beetroot. But it could be nice to try this recipe when beetroots are in season. Thanks for sharing your beautiful recipe!!


  • Love your recipe – I use a similar one for this sort of beetroot. But I am looking for other ways to use my beetroot. I make a cold beetroot soup with buttermilk and also a Russian Borscht type soup in winter – but am looking for something new and interesting. I have poached baby beetroot in fresh orange juice a la Stephano from Mildura [and did a better job at home than he did in his restaurant].
    Any ideas?

    • I’d like to try dip and chocolate cake with beetroot but I have not found a recipe I like yet.


  • i love beetroot. One tip – use rubber gloves when peeling so you dont stain your hands.

    • Excellent tip – beetroot stains quite badly.


  • I was only talking about this the other day with my father… I’ll be sure to share this with him, thanks!


  • Beetroot is simply the best – love it and thanks for the recipe.


  • Beetroot is a favourite,have never preserved though,it will come in handy! Thanks.


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