
  • Makes 12
  • 1.5 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 5 Ingredients


These Raspberry Coconut Squares are always a hit – no matter whether the Mums from school are popping in for a coffee or you’re baking for the school ‘Bake Sale’. And of course with no nuts included, they are always good for school lunches. Ooh I actually want one now with a coffee ;)

Ingredients (makes 12 Squares)

  • 1 cup Plain Flour
  • 1 cup Good Quality Butter
  • 1.5 cups Dessicated Coconut
  • 1/2 cup Caster Sugar (or Stevia)
  • 1/2 cup Raspberry Jam (or any other jam/marmalade)


  1. In a food processor combine the flour, 1 cup of the coconut, sugar and butter and process until a dough ball forms.
  2. Remove from the food processor and press together into a ball. Wrap in Cling Wrap and refrigerate for 1/2 hour.
  3. Line a high sided baking tray with baking paper (I use a rectangular tray that is appox 30cm long x 20cm wide).
  4. Remove the dough from the fridge and place on a rolling mat (or a very lightly floured bench) and roll out to the size of your biscuit tray (or slightly larger). Trim and drop into the baking tray. Alternatively you could place the dough ball straight into the tray and roll it in there until it reaches the sides of the tray. Or you could simply use your fingers to press the dough into the tray. You're just aiming for a fairly flat surface on the dough.
  5. Spoon the Raspberry Jam over the dough and spread evenly with a spatula or spreading knife.
  6. Place in a moderate oven and cook for 20 minutes (you may need to rotate at 10 minutes).
  7. Remove from oven and sprinkle the remaining coconut over the Raspberry Jam. Return to oven and cook for a further 10 - 15 minutes.
  8. Allow to cool in the tray then slice into squares. Enjoy!


When you're making these Raspberry Coconut Squares, don't feel limited to Raspberry Jam. You can pretty much switch out any marmalade or jam. You could even go for some Caramel Top 'n' Fill if jam is not your jam.

  • Classic recipe. These bring back memories


  • These look delicious and a perfect little treat for the kids lunch boxes or after school treat


  • I’m a fan of this slice and one I’m often drawn to. I’ve never made it though.


  • These look absolutely scrumptious! I’d try it with less sugar though.. that is a lot of sugar!


  • Like iced vo-vo but better!


  • Such a classic recipe and reminds me I need to make these again. Delicious


  • This sounds delish and so simple too! Definitely going to try it


  • I always say “I’m gonna make these” when I see recipes on here but these look so easy and I think I have all the ingredients so I will actually give these a try!!


  • Yum….yes please. Great for morning tea


  • What a lovely easy recipe and the final result looks delightful. Thanks so much for sharing.


  • This looks delicious and looks and sounds like the strawberry shortcake slices my Nanna used to make


  • Yuum! Just like iced vo-vos but better!


  • This looks yum. My mum used to make it…


  • Yummy! I’m already in love with this


  • I used to love these. Such a nice treat.


  • Yum. I remember these, I loved them. It’s been a long time between Raspberry Coconut Slice.


  • Another good one ‘for the lunchbox’, IE for me!!


  • Raspberry and coconut are two of hubby’s fave things!
    Will have to make a slab of this for him for chrissy!


  • This looks so good. Reminds me a little of something mum used to make.


  • Yummyz my nanna used to make these all the time


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