
  • Serves 10
  • Makes 24
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 11 Ingredients

This recipe is from my Healthy Life calendar which features a delicious vegan, organic and in season recipe for every month of the year so it’s more than just an ordinary calendar, it’s monthly meal inspiration!

Ingredients (serves 10 | makes 24 )

  • 3 cups desiccated coconut
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons light agave syrup* (mildly sweet, adjust to your liking)
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla bean paste
  • Pink layer
  • 3 cups desiccated coconut
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons light agave syrup* (mildly sweet, adjust to your liking)
  • 1/8 teaspoon beetroot powder** (or use grated beetroot and squeeze to juice for soft pink colour)
  • 1 tablespoon rosewater
  • * You’ll find this ingredient at your local health-food store. ** You’ll find this ingredient at specialty stores or online.


  1. White layer Blend the desiccated coconut in a food processor for 5-10 minutes or until it’s turned into a butter. Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Pour into a baking tray and refrigerate.
  2. Pink layer Make the pink layer in the same way, using beetroot powder and rosewater. Once the white layer is set slightly and firm to the touch, pour the pink mix on top. Allow it to set overnight or until firm.
  3. Cut with a sharp knife into 24 pieces. Keeps in an airtight container in the fridge for up to one month.


Can adjust the sweetness for your taste.

  • I can’t remember the last time I had coconut ice. This was my mother’s favourite


  • A favourite to eat when l was growing up! Thanks!


  • My father is nuts for coconut ice I will have to make some for him


  • I have not eaten this since my childhood. Looks all too tricky for me to make, but happy to eat!!


  • Thanks for sharing your lovely recipe ! Although I’m not into Agave syrup anymore, it easy to change that into a sweetener of my choice.


  • Looks delicious and sounds easy enough to make.


  • Fantastic recipe for my diabetic neighbour. Thanks so much for sharing.


  • So delicious can’t wait to make this


  • Looks nice- there is a lot of ingridniance i never heard of it


  • I love looking at sweets like this but know you mist eat them in moderation thank


  • Adding to my recipe file. Thanks for the recipe.


  • Ive never used agave syrup before but this recipe looks anazing


  • This looks lovely! I used to love coconut ice when I was younger. Question – flavour-wise do you think it would still work using rice malt syrup, as I don’t like to use agave given its crazy high fructose content. Thank you :)


  • These are so pretty! I’m having a bake sale and I’m trying to get as many lil treats as possible. This has made it on my list! Thanks


  • This one is going in my must make list.


  • I love anything with coconut in it. Will be making these soon. They look yum.


  • These are so pretty and sound yummy – I’m definitely making them for my daughter’s birthday party picnic in a few weeks. Thanks for sharing!

    • Yes they are yum and pretty – I hope the kids love them! they are not too sweet but still delicious!


  • Hoping this works out for me as coconut ice never seems to set for me.

    • Let me know if you have any troubles with the recipe – it should turn out! Just make sure you process the desiccated coconut until it becomes like a nut-butter like texture, it should be oily and wet looking – it will set for sure ;) Good luck!


  • This looks really yummy. I have not had this in forever!

    • I know I was the same and absolutely loved it as a kid – I hope you like this healthier version and it his the nostalgic spot…!


  • I have not had coconut ice for years. Looks so delicious.

    • It’s a great flash back! I love it as a kid too! Enjoy! so easy to make!


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