
  • Makes 24
  • 1 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 14 Ingredients

27 Comment

These Rich Tomato Amazeballs Meatballs are such a yummy way to cook your meatballs and pack in the veges!

We made this recipe on MoM Cook Club LIVE! You can watch it here … (laugh as Nikki starts crying over cut onions LOL) …

Ingredients (makes 24 meatballs)

  • 1 can Tomatoes or any Pasta Sauce Base
  • 1 Lemon, juiced
  • 2 tsp Pesto
  • 1 1/2 cups Stock (Beef, Chicken or Vegetable)
  • 3 Small Tomatoes, roughly chopped or whole
  • 600g Beef Mince (but veal or chicken mince would be delicious too)
  • 1 cup Breadcrumbs
  • 1 cup Parmesan Cheese, finely grated
  • 1 cup Mushrooms, finely chopped
  • 1 Small Carrot, finely chopped
  • 1 Medium Onion, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup Fresh Herbs
  • 1 tsp Lemon Zest
  • 4 Small Radishes (optional), finely chopped


  1. In a large frypan or wide saucepan, combine the pasta sauce/tomatoes, lemon juice, pesto and chopped tomatoes and set to a medium temp to bring to a slow boil.
  2. While the tomato sauce base is coming to temperature, combine all other ingredients (reserving 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese) and stir well.
  3. Transfer your bowl of meatball mix to beside your frypan and then as you form the meatballs, gently drop them straight into the tomato sauce mix.
  4. Continue until all the meatballs are happily sitting in the sauce. Allow to come to the boil then reduce to a simmer. Allow these meatballs to simmer for up to an hour. Ensure the meatballs don't actually stick to the bottom of your pan by gently moving your meatballs around during cooking. The sauce will reduce too during simmering so that by the time you serve, your sauce will be nicely thick and rich.
  5. Serve with any type of pasta or rice and top with some extra fresh herbs and a little sprinkle of parmesan. ENJOY!

  • I haven’t made this recipe in years. A good reminder especially when we go into the cooler months.


  • We absolutely love to make and cook this meatballs recipe because it is such a crowd pleasing recipe and meal to serve up. Everybody loves to eat meatballs with freshly made pasta and very old and matured parmesan cheese. As strong parmesan is a must to go with meatballs and pasta.


  • My youngest loves meatballs but I wasn’t sure how to make them (sometimes but the frozen meal on special). These look much better so will be having a go at making these. Thanks!


  • This looks awesome too!! Omg I need to stop looking at your recipes, I’m so hungry now haha.


  • Good recipe, sounds like it would be full of flavour not sure about the radishes I have never tried one.


  • A very enjoyable video Nikki. Love the meatball recipe.


  • Thanks for the idea- the video is great!


  • These look delicious. Next on my list of recipes to try.


  • These videos are great, i love watching in action cooking rather then just an end result that looks perfect


  • We tried these out and it past the family test taste.


  • Looks delicious thanks for sharing


  • Lovely recipe – thanks for sharing.


  • I am sure this recipe is a family winner. great for these cold nights too!


  • Sounds like it’s a nice and simple recipe ad one that my children would like. I will have to try thus recipe out in the next few weeks.


  • These videos are really great!! And the dish looks welcome in every family!!


  • might need to try these tonight!


  • Cheap and delicious .
    Looks amazing …thanks team.


  • My kids would eat this every night if I let them.


  • Meat balls are one of my girls favourite meals.


  • The perfect meatballs to have with home made pasta – yay for the pasta maker!


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