
  • Serves 4
  • 1 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 12 Ingredients

Such a simple dish, but the flavours of this pasta are amazing. To make this Sausage Mince Pasta even tastier, make the sauce the night before, and the flavors intensify even more.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 6 Good quality, thick sausages
  • 1 Large Onion, diced finely
  • 6 large Very ripe tomatoes, diced into small chunks
  • 2 Small cloves Garlic, crushed
  • 1/2 cup Beef stock
  • 500g Pasta of your choice
  • Italian herbs
  • Worcestershire sauce (to taste)
  • Pinch of sugar
  • Salt & pepper
  • Red wine (to taste)
  • Olive oil


  1. Cook the onion and garlic over a low heat in some olive oil for approximately 5 minutes or until onion is softened and translucent.
  2. Make a split along each sausage, and remove the meat (discard the casing) Add the mince in with the onion and garlic, and cook for a few minutes – stirring often until the mince is cooked through.
  3. Add in the tomatoes, herbs, Worcestershire sauce, red wine, stock, sugar and salt & pepper and give it a good stir.
  4. Allow sauce to simmer gently for 30-40 minutes until thickened and the tomatoes have broken down
  5. Meanwhile cook the pasta according to packet directions in some salted water. When al dente, drain, plate it up and top with sauce. Serve immediately


You can use any good quality sausage you like. Beef, Pork, with herbs or chilli, it doesn't matter. It just means it will taste slightly different every time you make it! The possibilities are endless. Play around and find your family's favourite combination!

  • Yummy…..love pasta and this is super easy and sounds very tasty


  • This looks like a really cheap and tasty meal. My kids should love it!


  • Not too keen on the sausage mince, maybe with just beef mince


  • Makre a mince pasta different


  • This would be a great recipe to experiment with, thanks.


  • A great recipe and one that I had never considered… my first thought that it was just a pack of sausage mince. Sounds like this would be yum.


  • Thanks for sharing


  • I think this would be very flavoursome.


  • Love Wostershire sauce – never thought to use it in a pasta sauce!


  • Love the recipe. A great variation of a versatile recipe


  • So different – thanks for sharing.


  • What a clever idea to use sausage mince for something a bit different!


  • The name got me in as was wondering how would sausage mince make a good sauce. Now I see you meant the meat from sausages not the actual sausage mince you can buy. Will be giving this ago to see how the family likes it. Love the note bit about cooking ahead.


  • Everything looks fantastic except for the sausage mince. I haven’t found a sausage I’ve liked yet, so might use pork and beef mince combined for this recipe


  • Yummy simple and quick meal idea


  • I love this recipe so does my kids we get Italian sausages from the butcher so yummy


  • Sausage mince pasta is something l haven’t tried thanks for your recipe!


  • Thanks so much for your sausage mince pasta recipe – I do enjoy trying out new and creative recipes.

    • Might be nice to get some of the tasty and varied ranges of gourmet sausages from the market.

      • Have a play around! It’s amazing to create a pasta sauce that you can just change the flavor of so easily just by using different flavored sausages!


  • oh this is a little bit different!


  • A great alternative to the Bolognese ragu’. Nice!


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